Teflon Poisonig


6 Years
Apr 29, 2013
We just got six Pekin ducklings which we kept in the kitchen. While I was cooking dinner one night they all started gaspeing for breath and flopping around. All but one were dead within 15 min. We were horrified and took the little bodies to a lab for autopsies. There were no definitive findings.

Several weeks later I bought two more duckings to keep the one survivor company. They seemed to be fine for a week or so, until one evening while I was cooking dinner the same thing happened to these two. They started flopping around and died within a few minutes. We called a vet in Virginia who was one of only 150 avian specialists in the world, and he said it was very possible that they had all died from Teflon poisoning, which made sense since I was cooking with a Teflon frying pan both times.

There is no way to prove Teflon poisoning, but I am convinced that this was what caused their deaths. In any case, we will definitely NEVER cook with Teflon anywhere near the ducks, and I wanted to pass this information along.
We just got six Pekin ducklings which we kept in the kitchen. While I was cooking dinner one night they all started gaspeing for breath and flopping around. All but one were dead within 15 min. We were horrified and took the little bodies to a lab for autopsies. There were no definitive findings.

Several weeks later I bought two more duckings to keep the one survivor company. They seemed to be fine for a week or so, until one evening while I was cooking dinner the same thing happened to these two. They started flopping around and died within a few minutes. We called a vet in Virginia who was one of only 150 avian specialists in the world, and he said it was very possible that they had all died from Teflon poisoning, which made sense since I was cooking with a Teflon frying pan both times.

There is no way to prove Teflon poisoning, but I am convinced that this was what caused their deaths. In any case, we will definitely NEVER cook with Teflon anywhere near the ducks, and I wanted to pass this information along.
Thank you so much for the warning, there has been a lot of talk right now about the Teflon work lights killing flocks in the coop so I wouldn't be surprised a bit about they frying pan. So sorry you had to find this out the hardest way, Did you lose all of them?
Lots of house birds have died due to Teflon poisoning, it even says so on their website. It really irks me how they make it sound so benign, while in the same breath saying: "Cooking fumes, smoke and odors that have little or no effect on people can seriously sicken and even kill birds, often quite quickly."

Which is also good reason for us not to use Teflon, as long term exposure to the gas that comes off the pans probably does damage to us as well. We would know, if anyone had ever started the testing when these pans came out. But it's cheaper to fake the studies and make sick people prove which toxin of the kajillion that are out there caused their disease.

It took forever for me to find muffin tins that didn't have Teflon on them. I was so happy when I finally did. I hadn't made muffins for years!
It's a tricky one that's for sure, i actually have teflon pans and have for years, i also have parrots( 2 of them) and 5 budgies all just off my kitchen and not had an issue but i admit i hauled out my cast iron pan this evening i have the calls in the same room and they are so small, so i thought perhaps i best just skip 'em for awhile.
It's a tricky one that's for sure, i actually have teflon pans and have for years, i also have parrots( 2 of them) and 5 budgies all just off my kitchen and not had an issue but i admit i hauled out my cast iron pan this evening i have the calls in the same room and they are so small, so i thought perhaps i best just skip 'em for awhile.
I had heard all the way back in the early 80's about Teflon being harmful an fatal to birds, I got rid of all Teflon years ago, they do have the new safe non stick frying pans now I just got one. I think you made a wise decision GQ, having those tiny lil ducklings so close, but I am amazed cooking with it hasn't harmed your other birds. I think it's cooking with it at higher heat that causes the problem.

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