Tell me how your chickens do....qty of eggs, temperament - mainly qty.


12 Years
Jun 12, 2007
I am interested in these breeds


I'm mainly trying to find out who is the best layer - I'd like to raise 2 or 3 of these breeds


If this is in the wrong place - I'm sorry!
My australorp and ameraucaunas (easter eggers, really) are 9-10 months old and have been laying faithfully in our cold Indiana winter. We do keep the temp in the coop between 32 and 40, but have not provided any additional light. The australorp lays an egg 11 days out of 12, and they are a nice, large (sometimes HUGE double yolk), dark brown egg. She began laying around 18 -19 weeks. My 2 EE chickens are from a friend, and one was laying when we got her, then went on strike. After we started heating the coop, she started laying again. Her eggs are medium sized, and a light pinkish - brown color. We get 4-5 per week from her. The other one started laying a light green, medium size egg around Thanksgiving, and is now laying consistently 5 out of 7 days. Can't tell you anything about the others, though I'm looking to add a couple of Welsummers and Faveroles this spring. If temperament is a concern my Australorp is the sweetest, friendliest bird we have - she will always come to greet me, and has often flown up to ride on my shoulder. The EE hens are curious, often flying out of the pen to explore, but a bit skittish.
Well, of those breeds, I only have a Wyandotte, and she's just coming into lay - she's beautiful and a sweetie.

If you want eggs though - our Leghorns are machines. They're not friendly, but they came into lay Oct 31, only produced maybe 3 pullet eggs before moving up to full and over-size, and have seldom missed a day since. They're not mean or anything - just not very personable.
Australorps are laying machines in my opinion! I have 6 and I am getting 4-6 eggs per day! Mind you I also live in Iowa and it is COLD COLD COLD here. They still are producing like crazy-women.

Also they are quiet and calm birds. The kids are able to chore them and pet them with ease. Even our two roos are gentle guys. The greenish black plumeage is beautiful also.
I think Australorps are the best layers on that list.
White Wyandottes are the best layers of the Wyandotte breed, but they definitely aren't egg machines like the Australorp.
I'm agreeing with the folks saying Australorps. Mine have been producing at about 80% since they started laying in November.

I've only had the Ameraucana and the Australorps on your list, however.

My two black australorps have layed all through the winter.Since they started laying,I get an egg every day from each of them,and they have not shown any signs of slowing down

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