Tell me something GOOD that happened to you today.

cleaned out my purse and found $35
Yay Chicks! :

Thank you, Rachael! Your post made me smile big time

Yep, most certainly!
I sometimes tend to feel like things are the end of the world, but I realised over time that this stuff always passes...
Thanks for the post!

I remember back when $5 was a fortune, I was 13 or something, I was looking for a torch during a blackout, and found $27 lost in an old coat pocket. I thought I'd hit the jackpot.
I just got my 12 yr. old son off to school with out any type of battle.....Yay.....good start!!! He doesn't battle about going to school just getting up so early. He's a last Minute Joe when it comes to getting up and sometimes that poses a bit of a problem.
The sun shined today & I woke up breathing for another day
Makes it a good day!!
My DH & I FINALLY finished installing the garage door & all the metal siding. We have never worked with vertical metal siding & it came out good.
5 of our chickens all piled into my DH's lap. Never a camera around when you need it

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