Tell me something GOOD that happened to you today.

Today I found out my Dad is giving me a facebook account some time tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I found a missing barn door track! Long story but I've been wanting to build doors for our barn where they are missing and wanted so badly to use track because hinged doors are so heavy and sag, etc. but half the track was missing. I searched the entire property off and on this week and nearly gave up figuring it broke and someone scrapped it but I wandered in the barn today and looked up... FOUND IT!!! It had been swiped by someone long ago to be used in a horse stall just inside the door in question. Even better, the old stall door is laying on its side there with the rollers attached and there are another set of rollers in the garage so I'm all set! Whoohoo!

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My happy day, I went to get my hair trimmed since the disaster hair cut I got in February... I thought I'd need to grow it out for a year to get it fixed since they destroyed so many inches on that long again afternoon.... Lady at the hair place amazingly FIXED it with a great new style I can deal with. No more wearing my hair in buns because my hair was like 5' wide on both side from frizz! HOORAY!!!
It's FRIDAY!!!
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Thank the good Lord, I survived the day. Long story, but I will do what I can to make it short. Fort Irwin (google it) bus service abruptly stopped so we took it over in 4 weeks time (usually take 7-9 months to take over). Then this morning massive amounts of people are calling because today is their pay day and the Fort stopped selling June passes yesterday (no, I have no idea why). So here I go out to the Fort. 2 hour drive there. The place is MASSIVE!!!! I tell the guard at the gate I need building 565 (there are over 950 buildings). He says "Good luck with that, the place is a maze". Seriously? Thanks, moron. After about 10 loops I found our buses so I knew I was close, parked and decided to hoof it. Big mistake. It was 108 degrees at the Fort today.

Got the passes, headed for Barstow city hall. Detours galore, gee thanks Cal Trans. I FINALLY made it back to work at 2:10 pm (I left at 9:45 am) and there were already people there lined up to buy the passes I just arrived with.

I came back to over 30 emails - every last one of them about the Fort. This place is gonna be the death of me.

I am woman, hear me roar.
I am getting a facebook! (I've wanted one since January 2011) And I am entering my African Fat-Tailed Gecko in a beauty contest at petco!

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