Tell me something GOOD that happened to you today.

it won't be long before you think they are worth more then the house you bought. and you'd probably be right.
now you get the fun of finding out what kind you have.

We closed on our house and I now have chickens! The former owners left us some as a surprise.
Well, good news followed bad...last night one of my pullets somehow got out of the cage that I had her in (I had separated her from the rest of the flock because her wing was bleeding - not sure why - possibly one of my young cocks trying to mate and being clumsy?)...anyway, she got out while I was at my mom's house, and my two dogs got her (Pretty sure they were trying to play with her). She was dead when I got home, so sad.

Anyway though, the good news is that DH said i could get a couple more pullets in replacement, and I found a girl on CL no too far away who has 2 SLW and a CGL for sale! (I think I'm gonna get all three...) I've wanted SLW since I saw a pic of them! Anyway, still mad at the dogs this morning, but trying to look on the bright side.

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