Tell me something happy.

i'm waiting on the elephant punchline too....

ps here is my happy thought:

i went out last nite and found a new duckling in the hen house. what a cutie! surprise ducklings are always fun
This always makes me smile. Just kinda silly, but then, that's what silliness is about.

Okay, here is a funny joke

So there is this town named 'Trid'. And all of the people from Trid, when they want to travel or go anywhere important, have to climb over this mountain. But, every time one of teh people from Trid get to the top of teh mountain a giant foot comes down and kicks them off. So, one day the King of Trid decided that he wanted to put an end to this. So, he called in his best night in shining armor and said to him, "Go to the top of the mountain and when the foot comes down I want you to slice it into a million peices." So the night goes up the the top of the mountain on a big horse but when he gets there the foot comes down and kicks him off of his horse. The horse returns to Trid with no rider. So the ing thinks, maybe the foot is a man that can be wooed by a beautiful princess. So he calls in the most beautiful girl in all of Trid and says to her, " Go up to the mountain and when the foot comes down woo him with your beauty." So she goes up to the top of the mountain in a beautiful cairage and looks as pretty as she can but the foot comes down without a care and kicks her off of the mountain. The cairage returns without a rider. So then the king thinks that maybe, just maybe, this foot is the foot of God. So the king calls in a Rabi (sp?). But, there where no Rabis (sp?) in the town of Trid so the king sends his men to a nearby town that they could reach without going over the mountain. So the king says to the Rabi (sp?) of the town next to Trid, "Go up to the top of the mountain and pray that the foot won't ever again come down and kick people off of the mountain." So the Rabi (sp?)t goes up to the mountain with a bible in his hand and waits. But the foot doesn't come down. "Why haven't you come down to kick me off the mountain?" the confused Rebi (sp?) asked the foot. And the foot replies, "Silly Rabi, kicks are for Trids!"

The End!!!
Got a funny fart joke! (if you want to hear it)

A (native american) indian brave walks into a drugstore and says to the guy behind the counter "Big chief no fart!"
so the guy behind the counter gives the indain a bottle of pills and says "have the cheif take ONE."
so the next morning the indain comes again w/the same complaint: "big chief no fart!"
so the guy says "ok, have him take 2."
the next morning the indain dude comes again. so the guy says"have him take 5."
next morning, same thing. "have him take 10!" says the guy.
the next morning, SAME THING! so the guy says "ok, ok! tell him to take THE WHOLE BOTTLE."
so the NEXT morning the indain shows up, and the guy says: "I know, i know! 'Big chief no fart'!"
then the indian dude says: "No, no. big fart, no chief!"
Well, last Monday after some storms, I found what DH "thought" was a baby squirrel. Ok, no problem, we've rehabbed them before, just not this small. So, I spend $40 on milk replacer, nipples and pedialyte. Spend Monday night, getting up every 2 or 3 hours, rehydrating her with pedilyte, rubbing her little butt to make her potty, and heating up her rice sock. By Thursday, its apparent this is not a squirrel. On Friday, I decide she is a baby mouse. Ive been bottle feeding a baby mouse every 3 hours since Monday. Shes so stinkin cute I cant let her die and DH cant kill her. Bad picture but here is "Rat", about 2 and a half weeks old from what I can figure.
to stomp out forest fires...
Now why do elephants have flat feet?

To stomp out burning ducks!

aw, you beat me to it lol but yup,

to stomp out the burning ducks.

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