Tell me what your experience is with Polish Crested.....


8 Years
Feb 13, 2011
NE Kansas
My chicks arrived today and 3 were dead in the box. So......I called around and found a feed store with a fresh shipment of chicks this morning. I picked up 5 chickies (chicken math)
and 2 of them were Polish Crested. Now.....I had never even considered getting this breed so don't know much about them. Do you have any stories to tell? Likes or dislikes???
I don't like them--poor egg-layers, small-sized, and non-setters. They're also not known for being exceptionally hardy. I had a roo--he was timid, not much personality. Culled him because I didn't want him passing on his genes.
i love them.....
are they Standard or Bantam?

this is my rooster

unfortunately i don't have any hen pics
but here are some of my baby pix


have fun they are great
i'm getting an egg a day from both my hens and they are about the size of a normal eating egg.( mine are Standard size chickens)
it is true that they don't go broody. my silkies do all that work...
every bird has their own personality some good some bad.... i am lucky so far
I had a White Crested Blue roo. Breathtakingly gorgeous, loved the hens, was a great flock leader but he attacked me every chance he got. He got rehomed.

I had a BBL polish. Kept her for 3 years. She laid well, decent sized eggs, got along well with the others she got old and I rehomed her.

I had a flock of BBL Polish I loved them, but my son hated them. Said they were stupid. Roo was not the smartest dude around... although, somehow he got the job done... but I never ever saw him mate successfully.. he must have waited for the Sun to go down

Currently, I have the daughter of the first BBL hen (mated with the WCBlue) , I also have her daughter (mated with my BWA roo) and I have one of the BBL flock. The others were rehomed to loving caring homes.

I wish the first roo would have been nice, I would have tried to keep a flock of those.

Oh and I gave the son of the first BBL Polish hen X BWA roo to AZ Bootsie... he is her avitar.
i'm getting an egg a day from both my hens and they are about the size of a normal eating egg.( mine are Standard size chickens)
it is true that they don't go broody. my silkies do all that work...
every bird has their own personality some good some bad.... i am lucky so far

Hmmmm--I double-checked on my favorite chicken spreadsheet ( and it says the egg-laying of the Polish "varies widely" from 1 to 4 on their five-point scale. Looks like you got the ones with the good egg-laying genes!
I've got bantam polish. 3 hens with major attitude for their size, they are great little birds. I have never had one go broody which makes me happy since I have silkies that are constantly trying to hatch out golf balls. The only major issue I have is the roo. I have to keep him in a pen by himself since his top knot is constantly getting picked on & he will stand there and allow it.
I have a polish Hen (Maizey) she lays about 3 eggs aweek, nice med/larg white eggs. We have horrid cold winters here and she has done fine. My coop is neither insulated nor heated.

This is her as a chick


You can see her head in the foreground of this picture. We all love her.

Edited to correct first picture
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Here is yet a third not so great picture of her. You can see she doesn't mind the dogs being close to her.
I have a WC Splash Polish hen who is a little crazy and spazzy, but she lays a nice, small, white egg every other day, like clockwork. The WC Black roo, however, is a whole 'nother story. He is very indifferent towards the hens, doesn't point out treats to them just dives in and gobbles himself, rarely mates any of the hens, and attacks me and my daughter every chance he gets. He is headed to freezer camp next week.

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