Tell me your thoughts on silkies from ideal?? picture would be good to


10 Years
Jan 17, 2010
I was thinking about ordering silkies from ideal?? but i have herd that people weren't very impressed with what they looked like.......please post pictures and tell me about them?? thanks
If you are wanting pet quality silkies, then Ideal is fine. If you are wanting breeder quality...ones that have fluff and larger crest, then I'd order some chicks from someone who has nice silkies. Basically, you get what you pay for.
My sister in law has a silkie roo from ideal (bantam assortment). He is white and is actually pretty nice. His crest is good, has correct skin color, 5 toes, excellent foot feathering, and a walnut comb. You can't see his eyes cause he's so fluffy! Sorry I don't have any pictures of him. I'm thinking she was pretty lucky to get such a nice boy, but I could be wrong too. I've never gotten hatchery silkies.
My thoughts about Silkies from Ideal are the same as my thoughts about all the other birds from Ideal. They will probably be healthy & will generally look like the breed they are identified as. However, they will not be good representatives of the breed in terms of adherence to breed standards. If you goal is some unusual looking chickens in your yard Ideal Silkies will be fine. If your goal is Silkies of a quality that could reasonably be shown look elsewhere. Hat Trick Silkies posts on this board & they have some of the best in the country.
I guess it depends on what your goal is for them but I decided to buy the best quality hatching eggs I could find and just hatch mine out!
I really wanted to have nice quality bearded silkies....and now that's exactly what I got!!! When I started looking into buying quality chicks and then paying to have them shipped it was easier to just buy an incubator and order exactly what I wanted(in eggs of course!LOL)...Well, hope this was helpful, Keri

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