Tell your 'what the heck was that thing?' scary story

By the way....I grew up in such a bedroom....NO Windows.

Ha-Ha !!!

I grew up in the utility closet because ANY room was better than the bedroom next to my mom's snoring!
I just thought of something that used to happen; I can't believe that I forgot about this!

I used to be the Executive Director of an art association. Our building was an old historic home that was in disrepair when it was donated to the association. Many artists and volunteers worked countless hours making it a beautiful gallery and workshop space. There was an alarm system that included motion detectors, exterior door alarms and several interior contact door alarms. There was also an iron bar door for extra security on the front door. To arm the system, the contact doors had to be closed or the alarm could not be set.

If the alarm went off in the middle of the night, the alarm company would call me and tell me which alarm had tripped, and alert the police. Now granted, the motion detectors could be set off if a spider or some other bug walked across the 'eye' or if something moved in the room. Every once in a while, the front door would open due to wind or dry conditions but the iron bar door kept the building secure. Many of the times, the alarm that was tripped was the interior contact door that led to the 'Members Gallery'. There was absolutely no way for that door to open without turning the door knob and pulling to door open. Absolutely no way. Now mind you, I usually got there before the police (even though I lived 20 minutes away) and sometimes the police never got there. I had to go into that big, old and dark building to close that door to re-arm the alarm. This was usually between 3:00 and 4:00 a.m. I always knew when I got there what alarm had gone off and had a 20 minute drive to think about it! Nothing creeped me out except that Member's Gallery door. I guess there were some hard working artists on the 'other side' that wanted to make sure that we didn't get to "big city snooty' and were keeping that passageway into 'their' gallery open...

I got an alarm call probably at least once a month, and it was never a break in...but something set off those alarms...

True story.
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We've only just begun.

30 pages of stories, but there's something missing.

Everyone has a story to tell here. Who among us has never
known fear? We've all been scared. Of something, sometime.
Time to share those stories.

I've been playing up to now. Takes a lot to rattle my cage. I've
found dead bodies, I've dug graves by hand. Been faced with the
choice of pulling the plug on my wife.

Life or death.

But one thing I simply will not do is to ride a feris wheel. Pretty sure
that isn't for me. Can't even stand to watch my wife or daughter do it.
I have to walk away...

If it crashes, I don't want to see it.
I guess the most "fearful" thing for me, is the phone ringing in the middle of the night, that just scares the heck out of me!! I just feel that its always gonna be bad news, I always want to turn it off, ....but then i think,
what if there's an emergency!
When I first purchased the property I live on now six years ago, I was taking a walk through the woods on a full moon night. Yeah I know, I am stupid and love to do things like that. Well I had a flash light, with the light off. I pride myself on my night vision.

Well I had this feeling something was watching me so I flipped on the flash light and I turned,s winging the beam around and caught eyes. These eyes shone like a deer or a horses, but it was way too high. It was watching me a good 300 feet away, from the woods.

My mind tried to make sense if it. Was it in the trees? it was too high off the ground to be a deer or horse, but no tree climbing animal has eyes positioned like that. With an eye set that far apart. so I swung the light back around and sped up my walking.

I turned and checked every few moments and each time the eyes were closer, but there was no sound. What ever was following me was moving silently through the woods. It took all my will power not to run. I was taught never to run from a possible predator or curiosity could quickly turn to hunting.

I was sweating and shaking by the time I got home and told my family about this strange creature.

The next day I told a neighbor about the event and he said " Oh yeah, I should have told you, my camel got loose behind your property"

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