Tell your 'what the heck was that thing?' scary story

Glad you enjoyed the Hobo Camp. I had forgotten all about posting that.

That was, and continues to be, pretty funny.

My daughter had a friend stay with her last night. And that's where the girls
are right now as a matter of fact. Gone to the Hobo Camp.

At this point I think Hana is pretty sure there is no hobo living in our woods.
But it's still there. And every friend she has over, she takes them out in the
woods to see the hobo camp, the indian graves.

All sorts of things exist in our woods. We've made it that way. Most of it just
for her.

I went back and tried to look in this thread. Couldn't find what I was looking for.
Did I tell you about the indian skull that followed them home?

I was listening to my daughter and her friends talk the other day. Most of her
storys involved the words "My daddy..." So many memories she'll someday have
of these days.

Hobo Camp... Yes, that one will be with her forever.

i just read through the entire thread, and i have to tell you, i'm scared out of my wits right now! i hope i sleep okay tonight
i guess i'll share a few thoughts of my own.

when i was younger, me and my best friend thought ourselves ghost hunters. my friend told me about the ghosts who lived in her attic-right above her bedroom. when i slept over her house i heard the scratchings and footsteps above me and i believed it. for my birthday one year i got a motion detector-a cheap plastic one from a toystore. at that time my friend and i had been searching for a book we might hold a clue to proving the existence of ghosts. we searched every bookcase in her house many times over but we never found it.

anyway, one day we were sitting in her family room with the motion detector set up in front of us like we did almost every day, hoping for an unseen ghost to pass by. all of a sudden the motion detector started beeping like crazy. i got up and positioned myself right in front of the motion detector, closed my eyes and walked forward, hands outstretched, hoping to touch or pass through the ghost. i stopped when i bumped into something across the room. my fingers closed over the thick spine of a book. i turned to my friend and asked if that was the book we'd been looking for. it was.

also when i was younger i had a truly terrifying dream (to me anyway). for whatever reason i knew there had been all sorts of farm animals living in the basement, years ago. all normal, colorful animals i had kept as pets and loved. but i had forgotten about them, forgotten to feed and take care of them for years. i walked down the long, dark stairway to the basement where i was sure to find to remains of my beloved animals.

as i neared to door to the second room in the basement where the animals were, i noticed a faint, eerie light. terrified, i stepped inside anyway. all the animals were there, alive or so i thought. then i noticed they'd all turned a stark, unnatural white, with red eyes that burned like fire. many seemed mutilated and in stages of death or decay; eyes sagging in sockets, slashes along thier flanks that still oozed dark blood, a bit of sharp, protruding bone stick out from thier sides.

i woke up in a cold sweat, terrified and crying. at such a young age, i don't think death was an odor i'd smelled before, but in the dream i could. it's a smell i never forgot nor ever will forget. i refused to go into the second room of the basement for years after that. the memory of that dream still terrifies me some.

Where do you work that you can get spend the whole day online? I only ask so I can put my application in there

The kind where you have to sit on a freezing cold in winter or swealtering hot dock all day long anywhere from 10-14 hours and wait for truck drivers to have their loads rearranged in even colder/hotter (-30*, 140*) cargo trailers while getting oggled and made fun of. my iphone was my only retreat from the harsh reality that i worked an entirely not right for me career. Good luck! no such thing as a perfect job!

im so glad this thread got revived. I really did miss coming on everyday after work and reading everyones spooky experiences. Lets keep making up for lost time!
I love this thread. No, none of the stories actually scared me, but they gave me some good reading. (I don't disbelieve them though.

Unfortunately, I have no scary stories to tell. And the scariest dream I ever had was when I was very little -- like 4 or 5 -- and I would have a recurring dream of big black crows staring at me while I was sleeping. I would wake up and turn to my other side and they would be gone. It was just while sleeping on my right side that I would have that dream.

All you guys here put my little dream to shame.
You know, I've wondered that myself. A religious person told me once that there are no such things as 'ghosts'. The things we think of as ghosts are actually Satan's minions. Since Satan is the father of lies, he and his minions mimic our loved ones. In a way, that makes sense, but then again, in some ways it doesn't. If all beings we think of as ghosts are Satan or his minions, then why are so many people comforted by them? I don't think Satan and comfort belong in the same being. So it's a mystery, just like the ghosts are
Where do you work that you can get spend the whole day online? I only ask so I can put my application in there

The kind where you have to sit on a freezing cold in winter or swealtering hot dock all day long anywhere from 10-14 hours and wait for truck drivers to have their loads rearranged in even colder/hotter (-30*, 140*) cargo trailers while getting oggled and made fun of. my iphone was my only retreat from the harsh reality that i worked an entirely not right for me career. Good luck! no such thing as a perfect job!

im so glad this thread got revived. I really did miss coming on everyday after work and reading everyones spooky experiences. Lets keep making up for lost time!

Thanks for the reply. I don't think that would work for me, since I'm too cheap to buy an iphone
But I shall keep it in mind
You know, I've wondered that myself. A religious person told me once that there are no such things as 'ghosts'. The things we think of as ghosts are actually Satan's minions. Since Satan is the father of lies, he and his minions mimic our loved ones. In a way, that makes sense, but then again, in some ways it doesn't. If all beings we think of as ghosts are Satan or his minions, then why are so many people comforted by them? I don't think Satan and comfort belong in the same being. So it's a mystery, just like the ghosts are

I don't want this to turn into a religious debate or whatever, but we are told that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So yes, I believe Satan and comfort can be in the same thing.
Maybe a mutant coon? Or a one-eyed coon sitting on top of another coon and they just happened to blink at the same time?
I have no idea!

Maybe two coons and one has only one eye
Here's mine (to some it might not be scary, but it sure freaked me out!):
So it was a normal evening. Nothing was going wrong. My dog was napping in the floor.
Then she just arose to life! She barked and whined and barked, and pawed at the back door.
I was like, "What?"
I had already put the girls away for the night. And when I was out there, I got that 'feeling' so I hurried my butt back inside.
So I let Senka (our dog who protects our chickens) out because I thought "She's probably gotta pee..."
And she shot out like a bullet to the garden, behind our garage.
She was barking like mad! And then the chickens start going off like crazy.
It was dark, I couldn't see.
"Senka!!!" I was crying out. She normally comes when called, being a good natured dog. But she didn't come. She barked, then toppled to the ground, whimpering, but there was absolutly NOTHING out there.
"She's fighting something!" I yelled. "Senka Sue!" I cried (that's her full name). I was scared to death. She barked more, I grabbed a flashlight and ran out there, screaming my head off, cause she was just laying there, whimpering. Then, she sprung up at whatever was there, then toppled to the ground again!
"Senka!" I was almost to the garden. I was crying at this point. When I got to her, she sprung up again. I looked over, about to kill whatever was messing with her. I saw a shadow WALK THROUGH THE FENCE!
Then that same night, Senka was whimpering at my door.
Then a scream.
Then all was quiet.
It freaked the heck outta me!
Edited because spelling
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