Tell your 'what the heck was that thing?' scary story

Searching way back in my past, I recalled a few of the scariest things that ever happened to me, and every time a think about them, they burn more vividly in my memory.

The first encounter with something completely unexplainable was many, many years ago. I was walking my since deceased dog, Bernard, down the road. We were headed towards the end of it, where an old, crumbling, weak-structured, creaky, stone house stood. Its shutters were painted white but the paint was peeling and cracked; the weeds dominated the once lush flowerbeds and had begun trying to conquer the house as well, growing along the base of it.

As I walk old, mostly blind Bernard down the road, he stops in his tracks. The fur on his neck rises and he growls. At first I thought he as growling at me and I was good minded to scold him... And then I saw it, not 6 feet away from me. Built like a cat, but more the size of a panther, with two large golden eyes that had no pupils. Its legs were more like muscular mens' arms, though it had massive paws... six of them--or maybe the third pair of legs were just shadows? Each paw bore 7--yes, seven!--massive claws of a light grey color. The beast saw me and its mouth came agape... The tongue and gums were blue, the teeth dark yellow. When it opened its mouth, I expected to hear a roar and instead heard something more like a shrieking scream, or nails running down a chalk board. The screech tapered to an end, growing softer until it became inaudible. Then the creature leaped into the overgrowth along the rickety fence of the house.

Approximately one week later, the owners of the house, friends of my friend, left the house--something they rarely do!--for a few hours. When they came back, their large Mastiff dog was dead... No sign of struggle, no sign of any kind of fight... Puncture wounds in the dog's back that turned into scratches, and deep puncture wounds, like animal bites, were the only sign of injury. The owners of the dog figured that whatever it was that had killed their well-trained attack dog had jumped down from one of the many trees in their backyard and bit the dog in the neck... Seems about right to me.

News of this got around fast in our small neighborhood, and people everywhere were on the lookout for the creature. Many people claimed to have seen it--one person unfairly shot a large black coon cat, thinking it was the beast. But they could have been seeing things. Eventually, things quieted down and the creature was never seen again.

I'm glad I took the time to remember this old sighting... Now and then, I wonder what that beast was, and if it was some person's mutation, if it could have been the last of an endangered species... Or maybe the first of a new one... I guess I'll never know unless I, or someone of my ambitions, captures the creature...

Thanks for reading.

Oh my goodness, I just recalled the oldest and most incredible memory yet! And, no, this one will not be written more like a story because I barely remember the event.

All I remember is having toddled across the calm road of my neighborhood. I was walking through some un-owned property, not exactly intending on going anywhere, just toddling along. I was, perhaps six when this happened. Suddenly, one of the spoiled Dachshunds that my family owned ran right by me, barking and growling. I looked around and saw this beautiful white wolfish-looking dog. The Dachshund snapped at the animal's legs, barking and growling. That wolf could have ripped that little dog apart, but she didn't... Oh, I get chills when I think of what she did when the Dachshund bit her.

When that Dachshund bit the wolf/dog on the leg, that wolf/dog bent her head around and gazed into the eyes of the attacking Dachshund. I was just captivated by her eyes... So yellow with perfectly round black pupils in the center, and its gaze just seemed to search my soul... My heart is beating even as I write this because when I think of it, I get so giddy, it's incredible.

Anyhow, I grabbed a fistful of the dog's fur and was petting it when she started walking back home. Every so often, she'd stop and wait for me to catch up and clutch her fur again. Then she'd start walking again. When she reached the front porch of the house I lived in, she stopped, looked at me, then turned and walked away. I never saw her again...

... Now that I think about it, she might have been a white German Shepherd, the way she was so gentle... But her eyes were yellow, I just don't get it... Maybe I'm not supposed to understand.
Spookwriter coming home...

How far can I go here, before the people run screaming?

For among the things I truly own, I own my the original town
cememtery. It was part of my deed when I bought this place.
I own some really beautiful graves dating back to the 1700's.

As cemeterys go, it isn't so big. Only 284 graves...I know them
all. By name, by place. Many the times, I've walked among them.
For now and forever, they are mine now.

Since I've owned it, there has only been three burials. Even that
was years ago. Never in my daughters time.

We're an old town...the old horse drawn hearse is still in the livery
behind the closed funeral house. Not far from my gates.

Many the nights, I've walked among these people. Listened to their
Wow... Just captivating, the way you wrote this... Unbelievable...
Searching way back in my past, I recalled a few of the scariest things that ever happened to me, and every time a think about them, they burn more vividly in my memory.

The first encounter with something completely unexplainable was many, many years ago. I was walking my since deceased dog, Bernard, down the road. We were headed towards the end of it, where an old, crumbling, weak-structured, creaky, stone house stood. Its shutters were painted white but the paint was peeling and cracked; the weeds dominated the once lush flowerbeds and had begun trying to conquer the house as well, growing along the base of it.

As I walk old, mostly blind Bernard down the road, he stops in his tracks. The fur on his neck rises and he growls. At first I thought he as growling at me and I was good minded to scold him... And then I saw it, not 6 feet away from me. Built like a cat, but more the size of a panther, with two large golden eyes that had no pupils. Its legs were more like muscular mens' arms, though it had massive paws... six of them--or maybe the third pair of legs were just shadows? Each paw bore 7--yes, seven!--massive claws of a light grey color. The beast saw me and its mouth came agape... The tongue and gums were blue, the teeth dark yellow. When it opened its mouth, I expected to hear a roar and instead heard something more like a shrieking scream, or nails running down a chalk board. The screech tapered to an end, growing softer until it became inaudible. Then the creature leaped into the overgrowth along the rickety fence of the house.

Approximately one week later, the owners of the house, friends of my friend, left the house--something they rarely do!--for a few hours. When they came back, their large Mastiff dog was dead... No sign of struggle, no sign of any kind of fight... Puncture wounds in the dog's back that turned into scratches, and deep puncture wounds, like animal bites, were the only sign of injury. The owners of the dog figured that whatever it was that had killed their well-trained attack dog had jumped down from one of the many trees in their backyard and bit the dog in the neck... Seems about right to me.

News of this got around fast in our small neighborhood, and people everywhere were on the lookout for the creature. Many people claimed to have seen it--one person unfairly shot a large black coon cat, thinking it was the beast. But they could have been seeing things. Eventually, things quieted down and the creature was never seen again.

I'm glad I took the time to remember this old sighting... Now and then, I wonder what that beast was, and if it was some person's mutation, if it could have been the last of an endangered species... Or maybe the first of a new one... I guess I'll never know unless I, or someone of my ambitions, captures the creature...

Thanks for reading.


Oh my goodness, I just recalled the oldest and most incredible memory yet! And, no, this one will not be written more like a story because I barely remember the event.

All I remember is having toddled across the calm road of my neighborhood. I was walking through some un-owned property, not exactly intending on going anywhere, just toddling along. I was, perhaps six when this happened. Suddenly, one of the spoiled Dachshunds that my family owned ran right by me, barking and growling. I looked around and saw this beautiful white wolfish-looking dog. The Dachshund snapped at the animal's legs, barking and growling. That wolf could have ripped that little dog apart, but she didn't... Oh, I get chills when I think of what she did when the Dachshund bit her.

When that Dachshund bit the wolf/dog on the leg, that wolf/dog bent her head around and gazed into the eyes of the attacking Dachshund. I was just captivated by her eyes... So yellow with perfectly round black pupils in the center, and its gaze just seemed to search my soul... My heart is beating even as I write this because when I think of it, I get so giddy, it's incredible.

Anyhow, I grabbed a fistful of the dog's fur and was petting it when she started walking back home. Every so often, she'd stop and wait for me to catch up and clutch her fur again. Then she'd start walking again. When she reached the front porch of the house I lived in, she stopped, looked at me, then turned and walked away. I never saw her again...

... Now that I think about it, she might have been a white German Shepherd, the way she was so gentle... But her eyes were yellow, I just don't get it... Maybe I'm not supposed to understand.
Most of the time when things like this happen it seems like the creature is real (or physical, I should say since they do happen pretty often), but it really isn't. Some (but not all) of them can make physical contact, but they are no longer living things. From the sounds of things the cat was something I've only seen once, the result of more than one animal dieing in the exact same place. The one time I've seen something like that there was no way I could dreamed it (now? That's another story). The creature I saw looked like a horrifying mix of coyote, cow, coon, horse, and deer. I was only about 7 when I saw it near a place we used to camp at. I don't remember what happened after that. I don't know if it just disappeared or walked away.
Have had some rather odd things happen around the store I work at.

Hearing the back door shut when it is locked and only 2 of us are in the store. A 2 liter bottle of pop just falling off the shelf with no one near it. Other things falling off shelves with no one around. Some of the things had been away from the edge of the shelves.
Have had some rather odd things happen around the store I work at.

Hearing the back door shut when it is locked and only 2 of us are in the store. A 2 liter bottle of pop just falling off the shelf with no one near it. Other things falling off shelves with no one around. Some of the things had been away from the edge of the shelves.
Those are weird happenings... XD But the things falling off the shelves just sound like one of the pranks that guy on youtube called MagicofRahat would do. XD

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