Temp control problems, help!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 27, 2011
Pisgah Nat'l Forest, GRD
So I just brought home 10 peeps today from TSC. I'm using a 250 red/infrared bulb to keep them warm. I got what I thought was going to be a big enough box to start at the store at the same time, but it seems a little crowded now with the feeder and waterer in it. But here is my problem: I heat my house with a wood stove (and only a wood stove) so temperatures fluctuate day and night, usually between 60-85 degrees. This afternoon, when I didn't have a fire going and no chicks in the box, I set the lamp up and got it to 95 degrees. Now, with the house 15degrees warmer, I've been raising the light every half hour to keep it from going over a hundred. But I know it's going to be 30 outside tonight, and my house will back down to 65 in the morning, and the lamp will need to be lower down then. What can I do? what range will be okay?
Last week (the first week) I lowered mine at night, and raised it in the day. Mine are sitting next to a window and get a lot of direct light. Since they are in a plastic brooder, it was staying really warm inside so I had to raise it about a foot in the day. You may just have to keep adjusting based on your home's temp.
Thanks cp. I guess I'll just have to play with it. I am going to get them a bigger box too so they can regulate themselves. I raised it up a few more inches, and now they're spread out over the whole box. Sprawled out more like. If I couldn't see them breathing I'd think something was wrong!
Well that's a good sign! lol Mine just sort of sleep where they fall. If the temp in the house has changed and I'm not certain I will just hold my hand under the brooder on their bedding for a second. If I'm immediately getting too warm I'll raise it up a bit and try again. Then I'll watch and see if they start to fall asleep where ever or are they standing directly under it. I have never even messed with a thermometer. I would probably obsess over it. If they seem happy, chirping, sleeping while others eat and drink then that's good for me.

Like you, we don't have controlled heat (our heat/air unit died) so the house is warm in the day from all the sun and cooler at night. We have an electric fireplace and space heaters so at night I have to make sure that they are staying warm since its not likely the space heaters are warming them inside the brooder.
You're right about the thermometer. I have *2* in there and can't help but to check them every five minutes. They can't get any sleep 'cause I keep sticking my big head in their box! Of course, it helps they're right behind me. They're cute now, but I imagine in a month they will become good incentive to get the coop finished!
I agree with CowgirlPenny. I don't have a thermometer, so I judge and adjust the temps by watching the chicks. If they are all huddled under the heat light, they are too cold. If they are staying away from it, they are too hot.

If it seems that they are doing alot of yelling/chirping, try calming them down by putting a stuffed animal in there. It makes them think "mama hen" is there and they will stay quiet and content. I can tell you from experience ~ Mr. Potato Head don't work. I then tried a red lion, nope, not it. So then I got a brown and white bear, put him in the corner of the cage and they have been quiet all last night and all day today. They don't go near the bear, but they are much calmer now.
If the box is long enough, set the lamp to one side of the box.

Leave one side with out a lamp and the other with the lamp.

The chicks will move where they need to be under the light,

if they get cold. And if they get to hot, they'll move to the side with

no light. Just be sure it wont heat the entire box up. A larger (long wise)

box is normally helpfull.
Yes, you will be ready for them to go outside by week 4. But they should stay in until week 6 - 8. The little fuzzies (down) they are covered in now will start coming off once their feathers start coming in, and they will start floating all over the house. And the stink ~ Wow!! At around week 4 is what is called the "dinasour" stage, and that is when they are so not cute that they are cute. LOL

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