So I just brought home 10 peeps today from TSC. I'm using a 250 red/infrared bulb to keep them warm. I got what I thought was going to be a big enough box to start at the store at the same time, but it seems a little crowded now with the feeder and waterer in it. But here is my problem: I heat my house with a wood stove (and only a wood stove) so temperatures fluctuate day and night, usually between 60-85 degrees. This afternoon, when I didn't have a fire going and no chicks in the box, I set the lamp up and got it to 95 degrees. Now, with the house 15degrees warmer, I've been raising the light every half hour to keep it from going over a hundred. But I know it's going to be 30 outside tonight, and my house will back down to 65 in the morning, and the lamp will need to be lower down then. What can I do? what range will be okay?