
Jen, that's a good point!

Brinsea called me back to say it was blamed on weather, I still don't know why UPS couldn't tell me that but UPS has no clue where it is. Brinsea said they'd call me if they get more info. I'm glad I didn't want to incubate any time soon, I'll just have to sit here waiting for the knock, hopefully will arrive soon since the ice is melting...

ETA: I just got another call, the egg cooker I bought from bed, bath, and beyond (Mavericks Henrietta) was unavailable all together and now have to go over there to get my money refunded!
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Hey Bbird, how are your birds doing in all this snow. Mine finally had as much as they could take today and made a break for it. I think one of them spotted a little green blade of grass and just had to have it. I almost couldn't coax the last 3 back into the run this evening but their feet were so cold...
Yah, for tomorrow temps. It will be in the 40's. Our chickens will not even go out in this stuff for around their coop it is too deep. Alot of the hill down to the coop is melted so maybe tomorrow I will try to get them out.

Our road to the house is all ice. Hubby took my car out after I told him not too for it would not make it. Sure enough car went into ditch. Luckily two neibors helped him get it out. Now we are looking for a new car that is bigger and heavier. Snow tires are like $70 each OUCH.
$70 tires are a steal I just put tires on my car a few months ago..$125 a tire and the jeep is close to double that.My little Honda goes everywhere our 4x4 goes.My husband has been using it in this storm to go bid jobs since it gets such good gas mileage.Our roads have 4" of solid ice and steep hills-goes up and down like a billy goat.Now,I choose not to play chicken with the neighbors driving in the middle of the road so I stay home.I couldn't imagine how much complaining my kids would do if we wound up in a ditch or worse.Driving on this road is bad enough when it's dry...put a double wide sub division on a back farm road and your asking for trouble

It seemed like a Bahamas day out there today that sun felt so good my chickens were out playing for the most part a few stayed in but it was nice seeing them up playing under the shrubs ...and just in time to help us crazy chicken people get to M'Boro tomorrow
cybercat, so sorry to hear about your car! That stinks. What kind of car was it? Did it have front wheel drive?

HBuehler lives on a very rural road, and I can't even imagine what it's looking like this week. Yikes! Glad it's melting over there, Holly.

For those just checking in, some of the Middle TN folks are meeting as Las Palmas in Murfreesboro tomorrow (Sat 1/15) at 1:00 p.m. Check out the original thread for more info and a list of folks who are attending.

I am in West Tennessee. I have always been told not too put poison out for the mice and rats because they go in the chicken cages and if the chickens catch them and eat them or just a peck on the mouse somewhere can poison your chickens too because the mice have eaten the poison
A real chicken..not those tiny bantams but even most bantams would have to eat a very large amount of the mice to hurt the chicken.We have found most of the dead mice in the runs in the mornings so we check the runs and main areas they free range before they go out and remove the deceased...also for our dogs benefit since she can eat a bucket full of them and shouldn't poison or not.Here I know our chickens play tag when they find a mouse..that mouse is torn apart and ate by all so that is very little mouse per chicken..but a whole lot of entertainment for we simple minded people to watch

now we use the poison blocks so the chickens won't eat it directly if they find it...that would kill one very quick.
YAY!! The snow is melting, the snow is melting!

I don't have a mouse problem, but of course my cat is a great mouser
She not only catches them and kills them, she eats them.... whole

So, UPS finally got my package.. it arrived in knoxville last night. It's scheduled to be delivered Monday. Sounds like they're unwilling to refund my shipping cost, and they had Brinsea call me to tell me... because they knew they wouldn't want to talk to me in person. $20 in shipping and it takes 10 days to get a package that should have been delivered in 5.

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