
My wee little brain...that's why it changes so often I forget
I am working on a web site but can't seem to get much time on it so I'm going to make just a sale list...seems though as soon as I get it done something sells or hatches...and keeping pics current is impossible-you know how fast those fuzzy butts change.
If I get a few minutes I will try to stick my list on the My page here
Oh my, Okla-DD, you have a gorgeous collection of bantams up there! [Thread p. 184] Very, very nice, and those birds are in fantastic shape.

Now bantam Wyandottes, I just don't hear a lot about them, but yours are lovely. They have sweet faces, and I like their nice winter-hardy combs. From the picture they seem like they are all getting along well. Are they a pretty mellow breed? Do you have a rooster?

I love the Pyncheons. Extremely rare! I only know of one BYCer who raises them, up north a ways. They seem just lovely to raise, and should be winter hardy. How are you liking them?

Your EEs are looking fabulous and colorful as always. Are you still raising for the nice deep blue eggs? Love your little roo! I'm working on a red-shouldered splash color, and Holly has hatched some of those chicks.

Your Turkens look great too! I didn't realize you had so many now. Are they proving to be winter hardy? (Though I see everyone is tucked in all safe and warm in their nice covered pens, LOL!)

I did not know they even had bantam Golden Comets. That trio is absolutely stunning . . . the color on the roo is fantastic. Love the deep copper/chocolate and mahogany shades.

Thanks for sharing these pics. What a beautiful group!
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Welcome back, jc12551! There are several folks from West TN . . . emvickrey, ginasmarans, sunflowerenvy, Cindiloohoo are just a few I can think of offhand - - I'm sure some will chime in soon! I believe there is a West TN poultry club too.

[Ed. to add - - hey, if you're in Savannah, you're not too far away from the very first Grade A goat dairy in the state of TN. If you like goats and/or goat cheese, they have a guest cabin you can visit . . . it's Bonnie Blue Farm in Waynesboro. They are on the web.]
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Thanks HB, I've been keeping up with the tracking and I feel if they know a driver is stuck (which I couldn't imagine UPS not knowing where each driver is) they'd update to let me know that WEATHER is the reason... All they've done is let me know it's on its way and almost like they don't know when I'll get it, or where it is. I've cooled off but just wish I knew more...

I woke this morning to feed the chickens, and my run door to the EE's was wide open
, I didn't think of it to much and then opened the coop to feed them and I'm looking.... Where's that rooster I bought from bibliophile? I was looking around the yard and looked over at my other runs and there he was in the run with the RIR's and golden comet hens... He was easy to catch just put some food in the feeder and grabbed him, if I wasn't paying attention he'd been beat up by my rooster, so he's lucky...

The meaties will be happy when its spring, I'll be happy when it's spring... I can't wait, it's funny when you're young all you want is for it to snow. Now, all you want is a warm sunny day
stanglover, hope your shipment arrives soon. It's terribly frustrating to not have more info, especially with all the neat online tools they have now to track things like that. I had a similar problem right before XMas (UPS also), and they gave very little info. Keep us posted!

I would have had a heart attack if I awoke and found doors open and birds mixed up. Whew! Glad everything was OK. Do you know what happened??
Thanks Jen! Thw wyandottes are fast becomming a favorite. They aren't the best of layers(at least these aren't). But they are so cute. They have the little round body you think of when you think farm chicken. They are fairly gentle and quiet and not real aggressive. But they are so darn cute. I have sthree hens I started with that were off white,dun,black.Alyhough the black and white showed the dun undertones. Put a partridge roo over them and have some neat colors now. Like I said they are one of my favorites.
I love the pycheons. My roo is not good,no crest but I am hoping the chiicks will come out at least a few crested.I like them especially for their rarity!
The comets are awesome. I had never seen them till I went an Amish auction in Scottsville,Ky. Apparenty someone in that area has develpoed them and every year puts a few in the auction. They are on the bigger side of the bantam scale,especially the roos but sure are hansome. My pullets acme out with beautiful laceing .
Love my EEs! My all time standby. Notice one hen has a straight comb,I thought I had culled her out and will befor I start saveing eggs. Her mother had a straight comb but I kept her because she passed on "Huge" ear muffs and beards! The original "bearded lady" I guess!lol. And yes I get lovely blue eggsfrom dark to pale sky blue,and they are blue inside so show they are pure.
Any way I enjoy them and love to show them off and talk about them! As you can tell by how long this is!lol sorry.
Jen, I have never had trouble with a shipment before, I guess there is a first time for everything
I do hope it comes today since I'm home. It wouldn't have bothered me so much if they had not had an expected delivery "on time" and then just never bothered letting me know more.

I have no idea how it happened! Even if I just forgot to lock them up or something, the others were closed up... I think he flew over, so I'm gonna clip his wings in the hope that is what happened... He'll get the crap beat of him if he does it again and the RIR roo catches him around his ladies. They already try to fight through the fence
Okay, so I called UPS, they looked up to see where the package was cause the guy I spoke to said I should have gotten my package by now
(not looking good!)
The guy told me I needed to call Brinsea to tell them to call the UPS to see what is up!
The lady was British and so very nice
but she verified my shipping info and then said she'd give me a call once she talks to UPS.

I'm waiting on the call

Should have but I just saw live pics of the AL and GA roads they are parking lots even the interstates.I know I need to go down to nearly FL and I can't get there.Hopefully it will arrive soon of all things to get stuck...a bator that's never good

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