
They should be fine in the snow. Must say mine flat refuse to go out in the white stuff everyday they look outside and see the snow and go back and hang out in the coop spoiled rotten brats
Freezin cold here and My ladies and gents are not to happy
locked up in their coops, So tomorrow i may let them out
into their run
and see what they think of all this snow.
HI let my chickes out today and they got to the coop door and came to a halt.. They stood there giving the snow the chicken eye..
Then my miss feathers made the leap of faith,lol... My two lighter weight chickes stayed in . I was waiting for my EE to lay her and saw one of the lighter weights shake like she was cold.So I put everybody back up.. I bet she gets a ear full from they others,lol....

Chickes are so funny.
I just love my girls..
I have 3 dozen eggs now what to do with them, I have given 5 dozen away.. Should I put a sign in my yard eggs for sale? If so do I need to tell ppl how to keep them or how long?? Thanks all
Absolutely freezin out there..I hate these kind of temps..If we can get thru the next couple days looks like we'll finally be getting above freezing..woohoo!!
I was selling mine to people I worked with. Even when I retired in September I made a couple of trips to work to sell the eggs. Then days got shorter, weather got colder, and I stopped getting as many, so I cut them off from eggs until spring. If you don't have regular customers to sell too, then I'd put a sign. You might have to explain to a few about how to keep them, etc. but probably if they're stopping to buy, they already know. The biggest supprise to my hubby when he cooked the first egg was how high the yolk stood up. People don't usually know about how hard they are to peel when they're fresh either.

Anyway, good luck with your sales.
we only ended up with 4 inches, but the road is a solid sheet of ice... even after the salting. had to repair 3 fences today after cars slid into them. naturally, no one bothered to help fix the fences they drove into.

good thing about electric wire fencing: very little clean up when someone drives through it
bad thing about electric wire fencing: restringing a whole fence row because someone drove through it
Sorry about your fencing. I think people who slide off the road in this kinda weather are so shook up they can't think straight. Maybe some of them will come forward after they've calmed down.
oh, in know who they are: we had to pull all of them out of the ditch with the tractor. i understand people being shaken up by running off the road. and i don't expect someone to stand in the cold, wet snow in their house shoes (yes, one lady was in her house shoes) to help me put a fence back up, but you'd think that someone would at least ask if there was something they could do...
Bib They should at least offer to make a payment for the damage and your work. I believe I would put up signs saying so!

We only have about two inches total over here in middle Tn,30 north of Nashville,close to the Ky line. My problem now is I can't keep feed out for my clucks because the startlings are eating everything up! I have trapped afew but there are hundreds of them. I hate for my birds not to have full feed in front of them during this cold but its impossible. And while they are inthe pens they poop a lot so when it thaws I will have a real mess to clean up and worry about someting passing on to my birds! Yep ready for spring!lol

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