
Hey Ramer
I'm in Michie! We had a little snow and now it's turned to sleet and freezing rain
My chickies and goats are hating it. None of them have come out of their houses today. Turkey stuck his head out the door and that was all she wrote...lol!!
Hey Ramer
I'm in Michie! We had a little snow and now it's turned to sleet and freezing rain
My chickies and goats are hating it. None of them have come out of their houses today. Turkey stuck his head out the door and that was all she wrote...lol!!

My SO's grandsons are wanting to go play in it
, they're from Florida so this is a first for them. I just started free-ranging my guineas the other day and they wanted to go back in the chicken tractor this morning
. Of course since they like roosting on the back building and on the rabbit hutch I moved my silkies into the tractor
. The adult coop is open so they can go in there
, of course the chickens in there might not like that much
. We have 9 people, 3 cats and our Jack Russel in the house. Our female mutt is staying in her doghouse and our other male cat hangs out in the woods.
Hey Ramer
I'm in Michie! We had a little snow and now it's turned to sleet and freezing rain
My chickies and goats are hating it. None of them have come out of their houses today. Turkey stuck his head out the door and that was all she wrote...lol!!

My SO's grandsons are wanting to go play in it
, they're from Florida so this is a first for them. I just started free-ranging my guineas the other day and they wanted to go back in the chicken tractor this morning
. Of course since they like roosting on the back building and on the rabbit hutch I moved my silkies into the tractor
. The adult coop is open so they can go in there
, of course the chickens in there might not like that much
. We have 9 people, 3 cats and our Jack Russel in the house. Our female mutt is staying in her doghouse and our other male cat hangs out in the woods.

My dogs won't hardly even go pee...SO SPOILED! I have quail inside and 3 day old Delaware's inside....wishing this weather would GO AWAY..lol!! My 2 kids are gamers and are content. I let them out of school(homeschool) today and they are happy
I have a goat fixing to kid...perfect timing
I just wanna stay inside in the warm!!!
It's been snowing here for several hours now..no freezing rain so hopefully the power will stay on for my bator babies..a solid white blanket of white crap out there now.A few of my chickies are out and about but most are roosting in their coops-several have heat since I'm such a softy. Mine are still laying like crazy though.They do better in the snow and cold. It's like well we have nothing else to do but on those warm sunny days they are too busy out digging up my landscaping and digging holes in the yard to do something like lay an egg.
I got all of my feed and groceries yesterday..they won't salt or plow our road and it is a steep hill with a curve for fun.4x4 or not I'm staying home until people here learn to drive(Northern transplants live here)
HBuehler all mine are still laying too
Glad to hear you're fairing well at the moment. We may have to move to the RV before it's over with, but I can't leave my animals. DH is paranoid about an outage, so we have a box of everything on the table ready to go...lol! I hope this is the worst it gets to be, if so we'll be in fairly decent shape to sit it out till the roads get thawed.
Just started snowing here in portland about one o'clock. The ground is almost white now. Went out and fed and watered everything. Collected several eggs. Kind of wished the bantams would have waited another month to start laying. We are supposed to get 5-6 inches. That would be a lot for us,two is usually our max.Have one little button quail hatced out. Had to set up a brooder aquarium just for it! he is tiny but a live wire!I still have a crele old english and a belgian quail d'anver roos to give to anyone that wants them. I am just north of Nashville.
We live in Dickson county, middle Tennessee; Vanleer is considered to be in the north western part of the county. At this time, we already have about 3 inches of snow at home. Right now, I am at work, here in Dickson, and the snow is really coming down. I work for our local electric utility company and we are sure hoping that there will be no power outages; let's keep our fingers crossed!

On a more positive note, I am sooo thankful that I got my extra feed for my chickens, peafowl, pheasants, emus and horses yesterday from the co-op. I don't have to worry about running out of their food and they will all have plenty to eat!
It started out as freezing rain then sleet then non stop snow for the past 3 hours. No sign of letting up any time soon. Got to drive around in this junk for 5+ hours tomorrow.

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