
WOW, this thread has picked up especially with new peeps.

As @Gentry1350 said, there is also a middle TN. thread that is pretty active.

You are welcome to drop by no matter what part of TN you are in.
West Tennessee here-just North of Memphis. New to BYC & a newbie to chickens too. So far, have some buff orpingtons, Australorps, & a few unknown bantams (couldn't resist:)

Have a pretty empty 100×100 horse barn & arena. I plan to convert one of the smaller/ end stalls (12x15') into a coop. Then install an auto door to the stall/coop's outer wall(which has a 15' area width between the barns outer wall & a fence). I plannef to line the wood fence with chicken wire and run it the length of the barn (or maybe go only 1/2 the length of the barn) providing them a potential 50' (or 100') x15' run. Im worried about hawks (& possums, raccoons, & coyotes, etc.) all which we have a big abundance of (especially hawks which are constantly killing the wild birds) around here. I've read that you should use metal mesh hardware cloth to keep out preditors but that stuff is so darned more expensive...anyone have an alternative suggestion or know where I can buy it thats more affordable than TS, Lowes, or Amazon (which the cheapest avg abt. $2+/perft.)? Also, the barn is a hard packed dirt floor...wondering should I put down flooring or is pine shavings over sand/dirt good enough? Any other suggestions for converting/creating the coop/run would be greatly welcomed & appreciated. Thanks.
West Tennessee here-just North of Memphis. New to BYC & a newbie to chickens too. So far, have some buff orpingtons, Australorps, & a few unknown bantams (couldn't resist:)

Have a pretty empty 100×100 horse barn & arena. I plan to convert one of the smaller/ end stalls (12x15') into a coop. Then install an auto door to the stall/coop's outer wall(which has a 15' area width between the barns outer wall & a fence). I plannef to line the wood fence with chicken wire and run it the length of the barn (or maybe go only 1/2 the length of the barn) providing them a potential 50' (or 100') x15' run. Im worried about hawks (& possums, raccoons, & coyotes, etc.) all which we have a big abundance of (especially hawks which are constantly killing the wild birds) around here. I've read that you should use metal mesh hardware cloth to keep out preditors but that stuff is so darned more expensive...anyone have an alternative suggestion or know where I can buy it thats more affordable than TS, Lowes, or Amazon (which the cheapest avg abt. $2+/perft.)? Also, the barn is a hard packed dirt floor...wondering should I put down flooring or is pine shavings over sand/dirt good enough? Any other suggestions for converting/creating the coop/run would be greatly welcomed & appreciated. Thanks.

Welcome to BYC:frow. There is also a west Tennessee thread. I've only had chickens for a year, but with help by reading a lot and learning from the knowledgeable and experienced folks on BYC, I've managed to keep my three hens thriving. Loving those fresh eggs. Re your question on hardware cloth vs chicken wire and the cost, could you perhaps make the area smaller to begin with and expand later? That would save some money and avoid the heartache if you lost any due to predators. For the issue of hawks, I've read that some have used bird netting over the tops of their runs with success. Good luck and have fun.
West Tennessee here-just North of Memphis. New to BYC & a newbie to chickens too. So far, have some buff orpingtons, Australorps, & a few unknown bantams (couldn't resist:)

Have a pretty empty 100×100 horse barn & arena. I plan to convert one of the smaller/ end stalls (12x15') into a coop. Then install an auto door to the stall/coop's outer wall(which has a 15' area width between the barns outer wall & a fence). I plannef to line the wood fence with chicken wire and run it the length of the barn (or maybe go only 1/2 the length of the barn) providing them a potential 50' (or 100') x15' run. Im worried about hawks (& possums, raccoons, & coyotes, etc.) all which we have a big abundance of (especially hawks which are constantly killing the wild birds) around here. I've read that you should use metal mesh hardware cloth to keep out preditors but that stuff is so darned more expensive...anyone have an alternative suggestion or know where I can buy it thats more affordable than TS, Lowes, or Amazon (which the cheapest avg abt. $2+/perft.)? Also, the barn is a hard packed dirt floor...wondering should I put down flooring or is pine shavings over sand/dirt good enough? Any other suggestions for converting/creating the coop/run would be greatly welcomed & appreciated. Thanks.

If you are using an auto door between the coop and the run, then I would not worry about using hardware cloth on the run, especially for a run that large.

Use hardware cloth to secure gaps around the coop itself. Sometimes Wayfair has good prices (and free shipping) on hardware cloth.
Thanks Gentry350!

I really appreciate that!...so if i use chicken wire for the run & hardware cloth for gaps in the stall/coop...do you think garden mesh or plastic construction cloth/fencing would be good enough for the top of the run (to keep out the many hawks & preditors from above)? Im hoping for something removable so i can get in there easily to occasionally clean, rake it out, & remove any deadly weeds (have lots of honeysuckle, ivy, & trumpet vine in the area I should make sure it stays clear of)...
String...Really...Hmm...Now that's an idea....Sort of like making your own netting...but perhaps more durable...I do have a lot of twine around I suppose I could use....Thanks...Sure gotta do something about these hawks & predators-they are getting so out of hand....Found a dead squirrel with part of it's head missing in our barn this morning-That could have been one of my chicks : ( But thankfully they're all still inside in the brooder...

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