
We have 5 acres on the mountain, woods, I know what you're talking about. We finally got an area cleared for raised beds and then the trees we wanted to leave spread their branches and grew into lovely shade trees, shading the beds...:th
You'll get there tho. Lots of patience and work. But if you want it , you'll get it.;)

In another thread, ' Can it work' , people seemed envious of where I want to put my run for the chickens, because of the shade. The shade doesn't grow vegges to well though. Here's where I want my run:

To the left are the 2 lot we want to buy.
Oh I love it. That'll be a great spot.

It should be good for the chicks, when I get them!! I'm going big to start, so I won't have to build another run and coop. My coop will be 8x12, and so far I only want 14 chickens. Of course I only wanted 6 rabbits when I had them too, which at times I over 50, lol. I figure 24 hens would be a little overkill, unless I get some boilers too. With my old rabbit cages, I plan on getting some quail and raising them too. I can' have rooster here, so I won' be able to breed the chickens,. I don't even know if I could handle the crowing anyway, lol.
I went to pick up a window from a lady today and she told me her mom has a chicken tractor that she may give to me. I don' know anything about it except it has an automatic door to it. Hopefully I can get it!!
It should be good for the chicks, when I get them!! I'm going big to start, so I won't have to build another run and coop. My coop will be 8x12, and so far I only want 14 chickens. Of course I only wanted 6 rabbits when I had them too, which at times I over 50, lol. I figure 24 hens would be a little overkill, unless I get some boilers too. With my old rabbit cages, I plan on getting some quail and raising them too. I can' have rooster here, so I won' be able to breed the chickens,. I don't even know if I could handle the crowing anyway, lol.
I went to pick up a window from a lady today and she told me her mom has a chicken tractor that she may give to me. I don' know anything about it except it has an automatic door to it. Hopefully I can get it!!
I think that sounds like a great plan.
Broilers are a great addition. You can do 50 or more in a few tractors since they grow out fast and will be destined for freezer camp, I assume that's the plan ....
I have a coop but it's always open. Everything here can free range 24/7. I have several LGDs and no close neighbors. So goats, chickens, turkeys, call ducks, everywhere..lol
I'll take just about any pen or cage offered, if it can't be fixed, dh will modify it or turn into something else. It's awesome she's letting you have it!
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I think that sounds like a great plan.
Broilers are a great addition. You can do 50 or more in a few tractors since they grow out fast and will be destined for freezer camp, I assume that's the plan ....
I have a coop but it's always open. Everything here can free range 24/7. I have several LGDs and no close neighbors. So goats, chickens, turkeys, call ducks, everywhere..lol
I'll take just about any pen or Gage offered, if it can't be fixed, dh will modify it is turn into something else. It's awesome she's letting you have it!

I want goats!! Maybe one day. The tractor isn't a sure thing yet, but she said she'd let me know on fb when she finds out.

Yeah, the broiler will be for the freezer. I could probably petition them off in my coop since the won't get to be that old anyway. I never butchered one before, bit it can't be much worse than a rabbit. We'll see what happens.
I want goats!! Maybe one day. The tractor isn't a sure thing yet, but she said she'd let me know on fb when she finds out.

Yeah, the broiler will be for the freezer. I could probably petition them off in my coop since the won't get to be that old anyway. I never butchered one before, bit it can't be much worse than a rabbit. We'll see what happens.
I'm actually looking to sell mine. I have dairys but ready for a break from it. Kids(2 legged) are nearly grown and Dh is wanting to do some traveling, so I figured why not. I can always get more later.lol
:fl you get it!
Butchering isn't hard. It's a bit different than rabbits, but easy to figure out. I do ours. Dh can't handle it, weak stomach.:hmm You'll find lots of info here on different techniques and and folks are always ready to advise or "walk" you through whatever method you feel is right for you.
:fl you get it!
Butchering isn't hard. It's a bit different than rabbits, but easy to figure out. I do ours. Dh can't handle it, weak stomach.:hmm You'll find lots of info here on different techniques and and folks are always ready to advise or "walk" you through whatever method you feel is right for you.

Thanks!! Some of the rabbits I did got me a little queasy, but that was because I was rushing and hit the bladder. It' the smell, not the sight that gets me. I have outdoor stoves and all so I can dip them outside to get the feathers off. Hopefully by April I can give it a shot!
Thanks!! Some of the rabbits I did got me a little queasy, but that was because I was rushing and hit the bladder. It' the smell, not the sight that gets me. I have outdoor stoves and all so I can dip them outside to get the feathers off. Hopefully by April I can give it a shot!
Ewww, yeah that's a horrible stink! I'm the same, I don't mind the sight, certain smells get me tho. lol
You shouldn't have any problems, having the outside stoves will be a big plus. I have a Coleman camp stove I use. And you can also skin em.
Ewww, yeah that's a horrible stink! I'm the same, I don't mind the sight, certain smells get me tho. lol
You shouldn't have any problems, having the outside stoves will be a big plus. I have a Coleman camp stove I use. And you can also skin em.

I like the skin though, especially if it's fried. I like it cooked pretty much anyway though.
The stove I'm talking about is like the bottom of a turkey fryer. My pot has a whole in it, but I have a large pot, I just can't fry with it.

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