
Nope, They live off of Old Pinson Rd near Woodland Hills golf course. I just can't WAIT to get my chicks! lol
Good morning my TN. neighbors
I have too many roos and have a
Ameraucnan Roo that just found his
voice his week. so he is a youngster,
also have a Bantam cochins...about 10 months old

anyone interested? Free..
We are getting an assortment of layers. Ordered 3 or 4 of each: Buff Orps, White Orps, Aracaunas, barred rocks, blue cochins, Red Star, and golden polish. Ordered all hens except for the cochins (they could only be ordered straight run). I figure by the time we have a few surprise roosters and a loss or two we will probably end up with about 18 or so birds.

Also ordered 35 Cornish X. I LOVE the idea of raising my own meat birds. I can have control over what we eat!! YEAH!!!!! lol

Good Morning Ya'll. Im in west tn, in Dyer county, Newbern actually. But my family and I will be moving to Tipton county here in less than a month. my DH is from Munford and we're moving down there to be closer to his family. Im from MS, how'd I wind up in TN. Met this cutie on eharmony and Ive been here 3 years. Still havent adjusted to ppl saying Jackson and them meaning TN and not MS,lol.
Ive been living "in town" for the past 11 years,but grew up in the county and we always had chickens. so since our current sub says no farm animals, I didnt get my chickens when we moved here. BUT, I did get my clothesline! lol.
Im looking forward to and kinda trepidatious at the same time about moving out there {close to the River,in the Randolf community} Its my DH's grandparents place, and Ive asked my MIL if I can have chickens out there. She thought it was funny, but wants some too. Im excited about that to say the least, and I found this site with the help of google. Glad to have found it, I see Im in the minority here living in WTN,and I honeslty dont know too much about where places are in ETN.
It will be a bit before I can get my coop up,and my flock started,but Im so excited about it! theres alot Ive forgotten,and always more to learn! my BFF says its like riding a bike. We shall see.

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