
Sure will!
Trying to gauge interest and see what everyone thinks.

If it was April 10th at 2:00pm, we'd be after the lunch rush but before the dinner rush begins.
And it would still be cool enough if anyone had peeps in the car, I think? (if anyone wanted to do some discrete swapping in the back parking lot)
BTW, guess all this rain is good for something, I got to see this on my way to work:


And yes, I am stopped at a grennlight to take a picture. it was just so pretty!
Any date's all right with me as long as we get it done before May 1st. Farmer's Market will take every Saturday and Wednesday evening after that date.

MissAnnieFrannie - where was that picture taken? Looks awfully familiar.
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If newbies are welcome, I would love to meet everyone! April 10 would work for me, and the Maryvlle CB is one of my favorite places. Don't really have any chickens to swap, but I would certainly get a kick out of seeing what everyone else has. I would love to be more informed when I get chicks the next time. I'm not sure the Co-op is the place to go if you aren't really good at IDing chicks yourself! Buff orps magically become RIRs at home! See pic below. There is an incredible (harrowing!) story behind this sweet little chick named Lucky.
That chick's a cutie. I said when I got my first chickens, I didn't want to raise babies, but I was sure glad the Co-op was sold out when I went this week. I peeped down in their pens and gave a sigh of relief when they weren't there. The people behind the counter just laughed.
Same thing here..we have a basement full of chicks a brooder outside with some about 6 weeks old and 150 or so dth soon..so I headed straight to the chick pen at TSC on Monday(were told they would be in Monday morning) but no chicks..they were late
so I didn't bring home any un-needed chicks
..our Co-op had some in but they get theirs from MM and I don't want to go down that road again.
Of course newbies would be welcome!
This get together is more social, less about swapping. We can put some faces with the screen names, meet other people who enjoy this particular brand of isanity

Let's plan on April 10, 2pm at the Cracker Barrell in Maryville!
Hi Tn. Neighbors
Looking to give away my Beautiful Blu
Ameraucana Roo 4 months . Need a hen .
any one up for a free gift.
pm.or email. me.

Opps sorry didnt read complete thread.
but this sounds interesting.
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