
Thany you cybercat
From TN Chicken Jack
CityGirlintheCountry let me know
Keep those chickens happy
Word of warning as I have been both to flea market and the First Monday autcion place. There are many sick birds brought in. Last year when at flea market there were only 2 sellers that had decent chickens. Most I walked far away from so not to bring home something to mine. I used to live in Morristown and these are on each side of the town

Yeah your right, there are some pretty rough looking birds in morristown but sometime you have to find what you can where you can. My friend that sells there usually don't even put his cages out on the ground in case he has to bring some back home. When he does get home he cleans cages thoroughly after being there. All that being said, I have seen some good looking birds there also and I have bought a few there that were good and healthy too.​
Bloo roo, chicken jack and all of you that are
coming to join us Flock tenders glad to have you here.
I have a beautiful Ameraucana roo hatched in August
that needs a new home. For Trade or ???

Waiting for more hatchings... Orps, Banty cochins
and I have no room,
anyone interested P.m. me.
Hi Cathy!! You and I have a ton in common, I have 2 grown children of my own, 2 grown stepsons, 1 son that is still a youngster, a stepgranddaughter, another on the way. I love gardening, flowers, fishing, camping, canoing, hunting, mushroom hunting, composting, but you lost me on boxing and racing. I'm a huge football fan, son wrestles, can't get into that, but cheer my head off anyway. I love wrenching in the garage with my hubby though. We have a couple of classic cars, and of course, the jeeps, my favorite toy! We do a ton of trail ridin' and a little bit of muddin'.

Hello ya'll!!! I am in Southside TN. Completely new to chickens this year. We are getting ready to build a coop, and would LOVE to find someone willing to let me come and take a look at theirs. I want functional, not necessarily fancy, so I'd like to see someone's coop and ask them what they would add, do away with, and just talk chicken for a while. I have a small flock of ten, but could definitely see me gettin more (shhhhh...don't tell hubby!)
I have looked through the coops section several times and there are some really great coops in there. I guess I am looking for someone who has been doing this a long time who can tell me what is needed and what they would change. Not to mention, it would be REALLY great to have someone to bounce ideas off of.
Anyway, I think I have finally found someone local to do that with that I met just today. We got to talking about chickens and I told them I was getting ready to build. They said, well come on over, I think I even have some leftover material you can have!!! I LOVE Tennesseans!

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