
Last trade-day we had d,Uccles(Mille Fleur and lavender)Silkies,White faced black spanish,Seramas and other large layer breeds.There was also cages and some baked goods and other items
Sheaviance 1
I'm real bad at taking pictures but this is my coop and run for my EE's.





tn.lou :

Last trade-day we had d,Uccles(Mille Fleur and lavender)Silkies,White faced black spanish,Seramas and other large layer breeds.There was also cages and some baked goods and other items

It was also fun talking to the other poultry-folk there!​
Hey ts been great learning about everyone. Thanks for all of yo for participating in the get to know session. But I know we have a lot more Tennesseans out there. Don't be shy,jump in and tell us all about you and your chickens.
Finally a little rain. Its such a nice spring day. Had one broody hatch thios week. She did well 10 out of 12! Everyone have a great day. Watch out for the storms comming in tomorrow.
Hi, I have been around on this site for awhile...big time lurker.
We (DH, 2yo son, and I) have been keeping chickens for about 5 years and don't care how many we have, it seems like I still need more.
I have 26 laying hens of a few different breeds with a RIR roo, 3 mixed bantam hens and 3 mixed bantam roos, and 22 half grown or smaller chicks in brooders on the back porch.
Mostly they are mine but DH tolerates them and helps out when I need a new coop or brooder. He really likes the home grown eggs. I feel like I am alone on the net though. Seems most people are from east or central TN on this site. It is real hard to fine anyone as far west TN as I am. I am just a few miles from the Arkansas border.
I'm a few miles from the Mississippi state line. I've been to Ripley many times. We're not SOO far away
I know how you feel with all these East Tenneseeans on here! West side is kinda sparse.
Hi Silkie! Thank you for posting the pictures. I think I have found the design I want and we are gonna head to town tomorrow and get lumber. I don't have enough "freebie lumber" for the whole thing. With the weather coming in, it probably won't get built this weekend though.

I think my BIGGEST question, for all you fellow Tennesseans, would be how much ventilation/insulation do you need in a coop for our area? We are so hot and humid in the summer, and can get pretty darn cold in the winter. Every coop design I've seen seems to be more apt to be built for snow-country. This is my "at a total loss how to proceed" moment. I've heard horror stories about not having enough ventilation and moldy litter causing sickness. I think that is the biggest reason I really wanted to see someone's coop so I could check this out and see what is working for someone close to me.

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