
Wow, been reading posts here about weather that I have not seen till late last night. It finally hit after 10pm here and did not let up till early this morning. Hubby called me at work last night he works in white pine we live in Greeneville. Said thay got next to nothing by then and we were just getting some clouds then. No damge and no flooding but we are high on our own valley.

Did not make the show this time in Cocke county due to other things. Congrats to those that did well. I have new chicks coming in on the 10 to replace those I lost due to hawks. Our feed store where I order from said they put in a order for 800 chicks this year. Those are all preorders. TSC did not sell much here this year from what I could see. Guess everyone local ordered from feed store.

Welcome to all the newer TN chicken people here this year.
I was in my BYC sweatshirt until it got warm. Sorry you missed us!
DH enjoyed talking to everyone he met.

Late Saturday or anytime Sunday afternoon is okay with me for a picnic. DD has soccer through May on Saturdays so that takes up part of my day. No games after May though!

I am just amazed at all the bad weather in the western half of TN. Sure hope all our BYC members are safe and sound!
I hope everyone got through the rains ok. It rained here (greene county) all night. Nothing to bad though. Just a solid all night rain that will help the gardens grow. If it keeps this kind of weather up we are all gonna have to get ducks. LOL

Just to let everyone know I still have a few of my adult serama left. I also expect some chicks within the week. I would love to do some trading or I could sell some straight out too. You can see some of my serama on my byc page. PM me if your interested.
Sissy: The Amish small animal sale is the last Saturday of every month just off highway 411 - 10 miles past Etawah. (The sign says Deleno) The road they're on is called NeedleEye which is appropriate since you have to go through a railroad underpass to get there (I think it might have a religious connatation also). They have a building they sell produce in every day, but small animal sales day, they are packed. If you want to go, get there by 9 and be prepared to push and shove your way in. I've now bought 17 birds from them (point of lay) and lost 2 last summer - probably my fault, not theirs - I was completely new and hadn't found all you lovely people yet. They had a pair of bourbon red turkeys at the last sale; they've added pigeons to their birds, lots of guinnies (sp), some ducks, standard and bantum chickens and the nice thing is I don't have to worry with little chicks (I know they're cute - awww) and don't have to feed them for months before I get eggs. They do have some not ready to lay and some chicks. Be sure, if you do, to drive completely through their community. You can't go to their houses, but their fields full of produce and fruit is amazing - all worked with huge horses. They're sorta modernized though - they have greenhouses and hoop houses, row covers, and windmills. THey have a treadmill next to the creek that horses walk on the draw water up into the storage tanks they use for irrigation. It's amazing - we go often, even not on sale day.
I used to look for them when I was a kid but for some reason I always think about them when it is too late. I really don't remember what time of the year is best but sometime in spring.
Karen and Sissy,
I am definitely going to the Delano sale this month..it'll be the 29th, right. If you're interested in going, we could meet in Madisonville for breakfast and head down together. I really enjoy meeting BYCers!!

There's a guy in Sweetwater selling Australorps and Buff Orpingtons on Craigslist. He posted a scanned copy of his NPIP certification and his name is Randy Bivens. Apparently, he's heavy into Marans as well...anyone ever had any dealing with him?

Just to let everyone know, there is an ad on Knoxville Craigslist for 21 free egg cartons. They are located in Seymour. A bit far for me but maybe some of you in Maryville or Sevier Co. could get them
Hi Spring Creek! Yes, I have definitely seen your farm, quite beautiful!

I have just gotten into chickens this year, and decided to start small, so I brought home 4 buff orpingtons. Well....hubby went back to feed store and we came home with 2 black australorps.....enjoyed them so much, when they had more, we came home with 2 barred rocks and 2 gold laced wyandottes....recently put in an order for silver laced wyandottes, but we are stopping at 12

I never realized how much the simple act of walking out to the coop in the morning could just relax you, transport you to a simpler time. I remember being a small child at my grandmother's house, going out first thing in the morning with her to the henhouse to let out the ladies and gather eggs. Just walking out to the coop is as good for me as a large valium is for other people.

Hi Bare Bottom Farms! Yes, definitely, I have only found 10 so far this year, last year's take was 157 on our first trip of the season. i was hoping all this rain would help, but haven't found one in 2 weeks now, it's discouraging!!!

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