
tn.lou :

DON'T FORGET TRADE-DAY THIS SATURDAY MAY 8th IN DANDRIDGE Everyone is welcome to buy, sell, trade or just talk about it

I where is in dandridge and what time? Thanks​
it's on hwy 25\\70 between I-40 exit 415 and 412 at Double R Farms Feed Store starts at 7:00 a.m. ends when everyone leaves.We will schedule the next one after we see how this one turns out
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went to the Dandridge swap this morning. i got there at 7:45 and no one was there except tn.lou... i thought i'd missed another sale by being late but i was actually EARLY! WAHOO!

eventually a few more people showed up and i ended up buying a pair of 2-3 month old blue Wyandottes (hopefully both pullets!) that are absolutely gorgeous. i will post some pics as soon as they stop hiding from me!
Quick, before bibliophile birds gets back home - here's the geese she got from me riding in the back of her car.

What music did they sing to on the way home bb?

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sneaky Karen! that was fast!

so, you'll be happy to note that they were virtually SILENT the whole ride home. hardly even knew they were there... until i started to smell the moist aroma brewing back there.
what you can't see in that picture is that they are just plopped in the trunk, with nothing but the floor under them. oh, and it was my dad's car. THANK GOD for Honda Elements being waterproof inside.
clean up was SO easy- i literally hosed the inside of the car out.

the geese were a surprise for my mom for Mother's Day. i do all the upkeep and she gets to enjoy beautiful geese in the yard and they should eat all her weeds. when i pulled up, i said "Hey Mom! I got you a lawnmower and a weed-eater for Mother's Day! Come help me unload them." She had the funniest look on her face as she walked up to the car and she was totally shocked when i opened the trunk hatch. i think it took her a good 2 mins to realize what they were. but she loves them. she's already called her girlfriends to brag. her friend Robin got an actual weed-eater and Mom said to me when she got off the phone, "Well, Robin got a gas-powered weed-eater but I told her mine were cuter!"

i'll post pictures as soon as i get some. i'm trying to let them settle in so i don't want to run out with the camera just now.

THANKS KAREN!!! YOU ARE THE BEST! and that Gary of yours sure is a sweetheart.
to you both.

eta: Karen, i've broken the geese! they are like goose mimes out there... totally silent. were they quiet when they first got to your house or are have they been struck mute?!?! (well, i guess there are worse things than mute geese)
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eta: Karen, i've broken the geese! they are like goose mimes out there... totally silent. were they quiet when they first got to your house or are have they been struck mute?!?! (well, i guess there are worse things than mute geese)

Leah, they were'nt quiet when they got to our house, but then they didn't have the cushey ride in the back of a Honda Element. They came to us un the back of the loudest, most rattley pickup I've ever seen. Then they had a wild woman yelling, "Don't unload those creatures, take them back!" and 3 crazy men laughing at me, so I guess they thought they were in heaven when they had such a quiet, smooth ride to your place.

It's kinda quiet around here this morning, we kinda miss them, but I know they're in good hands and you did promise visitation rights, so I'm happy, Gary's happy, the geese are very happy, you're happy, your mom's happy - what a great day! (Have you told your granddad yet? He might not be so happy!)
not so quiet this morning, so they aren't broken. still warming up for the good loud honks, though, so we're safe on Mother's Day Sunday morning (there is a church across the street). settling in good. there was a bit of a "test the new girl" moment this morning when i went out to feed them, but they really just didn't trust the bucket i brought in.

my granddad will think they are great... unless they eat his tomatoes. he was telling Tracy, our farmhand, the other day that when he was young they had a giant strawberry patch and had geese to weed it. can't wait to test out that theory.
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