
Awwwww... Thanks!
Come on by!

I actually built a half size version of that for my silkies. I need to add them to the BYC page. I'm digging that design now that we have lived in it for a year. The only weirdness about it is that the chickens want to roost on the support post I put in to connect the front to the back. There is always a battle to see which three are going to cram up next to the roof. Silly birds.
Awwwww... Thanks!
Come on by!

I actually built a half size version of that for my silkies. I need to add them to the BYC page. I'm digging that design now that we have lived in it for a year. The only weirdness about it is that the chickens want to roost on the support post I put in to connect the front to the back. There is always a battle to see which three are going to cram up next to the roof. Silly birds.

Out of curiousity I had to check it out too.... very nice! I like! I also like how you wrote it... the supervising cat cracked me up. Very good BYC page!
Does anyone know what time the Greenback sale is supposed to start tomorrow morning? I'm assuming 0600 or 0700, like the swaps in Monroe County, but I don't want to be the only one setting in the parking lot at dawn.
Greenback is the second Saturday every month....

I will be there at a rough 6:30am - these things never have a exact start time, but I think 6:30 isn't too early (at least you won't be the first there) and not so late you can't get through.

Hopefully, this weekend will be busier with buyers. Last weeks Madisonville trade was almost all sellers... uncommon. I'm not exactly sure yet who I'll be taking... probrably alot of bantam roosters. Soon I will be having some of my Delaware chicks hatching. Well, fingers crossed. I haven't even candled yet... talk about putting the cart before the horse..... or counting your chickens before they hatch! HA!
Awwwww... Thanks!
Come on by!

I actually built a half size version of that for my silkies. I need to add them to the BYC page. I'm digging that design now that we have lived in it for a year. The only weirdness about it is that the chickens want to roost on the support post I put in to connect the front to the back. There is always a battle to see which three are going to cram up next to the roof. Silly birds.

Out of curiousity I had to check it out too.... very nice! I like! I also like how you wrote it... the supervising cat cracked me up. Very good BYC page!

Thanks! Fred is a random stray that decided he liked it here. He helps me out with chicken chores and generally hangs about the place. He is the world's most mellow cat and mostly leaves the chickens alone. His only failing is that he just cannot resist chicken bowling. When they are out ranging and clumped up together, he just HAS to run through the middle of the flock. I know he knows he isn't supposed to do it as he always looks guilty when I fuss at him. The temptation is just too great. Silly cat.
City Girl, I have a cat that chicken bowls as well. Mine looks like she's laughing when she's done it, though.

Anyone know of any nearby sales/trades on the weekend of Aug 21/22?
Is there an address for the Greenback sale? I haven't lived here long enough to know where this road or that road intersect LOL.

I may try the greenback sale next month as I will miss the 1st Madisonville sale (Vegas baby). How do bantams do there?

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