
You know you have a wonderful husband when he takes the time..while sick and back pain.. in the cold..to help you move the chicken run so it can be attached to the new upcoming Hen House. It sounds easy but this thing is 10x10x10. When I asked him if he could build me one I never dreamed he would build for a mega flock. I would bet I could house 60 of the feathered buggers in it. But then after 25 years when I say a few he has figured out it means.....quite a few. I was only going to have 9 hens but somehow it turned into 23.

It took 3 hours..one broken bottom frame board but we did it! We are such a good team. Being a city boy he has trained into a pretty high class farm boy.

I look forward to maybe meeting with some of our Tennessee members here!!
Having knee surgery the 17th so will be a good excuse to spend more time here....hehe
Holy smokes! Anyone look at the weather report for this weekend? - - and the low temps (with nasty wind) for early next week? Winter sure came early this year. We don't usually get this here in Mid-TN until January.

Hope you are all prepared for the weather (for your human families and your chicken ones, LOL!) . . . pile in the shavings, top off your feed/water, and make sure your west/north vents are closed! In winter we seal off our small pens in heavy duty plastic sheeting, leaving vent space along the top. Keeps out the wind, and keeps the pens warmer than the outside air (also keeps them drier). I'm sure glad we started early this year.

Once our bird pens are all buttoned up, we'll bundle up this afternoon and start a nice venison roast . . .

Sending wishes to all our TN folks for a safe winter weekend! Stay warm!
Our run on the coop is 14' X 20'. I wish we had a huge tarp to cover it with so they could still get out of the coop. We're gonna have to close the run door and install another for the other side. The other side has 5 little oebg's and 3 ducks. There are 5 EE's, 4 RIR and a production red in the other side.
I don't know if anyone saw, but there is a guy on craigslist selling an GQF cabinet style incubator AND and a cabinet style hatcher for $800 for both. I wish I had some money! It's a good deal!
Oh yeah, Okla-DD, that roast turned out delicious! We did a neck roast, packed it with butter and Penzey's Bavarian Seasoning, rolled and tied it, and baked it with beef broth and veggies for 5 hours. Had it with a nice crusty bread and listened to Christmas music. Perfect December evening!

Hope your birthday was wonderful! Good thing you could get out and enjoy without all the icy wind we have today. Hope all your critters are safe and warm. . . and sorry to read about your pigeon coop.

Stanglover, a Sportsman cabinet bator is just what I need to get into real trouble.
Why don't you ask Santa reeeeal nicely?

Hope everyone is staying warm today. What a biting wind!
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Biteing is more like bitter here. I went out and watered and fed and thought my fingers were going to come off! It's also snowing like crazy up here. This should slow those eggs down!
What breeds are you doing now jenski?ihave ees,wyandootes,turkens,comets,all in bantam of course.
Got the chilling pot on ! Good cold day meal.
Jenski - Santa rolled his eyes and said with what money? Then told me if I want one to get a job!!!

Guess I've been to naughty

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