
The snow is falling in K-town. My buff orpingtons don't mind it though. They're getting all of the grass while they can.
Hey Robo....I am in Jefferson Co. down the road from you......we have snow/sleet mix right now...wish it would just do a big one. If I am going to have to get out in it I would rather be able to see a beautiful landscape rather than mud, mud and more mud!!
Snow is falling pretty heavy in Seymour now. Big flakes instead of the little dry ones we had earlier. And they're falling straight down rather than blowing sideways.

I took the chickens some overdone yeast rolls a few minutes ago. They were very pleased!
Middle TN has seen snow all day without a break..luckily it warmed up a degree or so so it melted it off some but it's still coming down and the roads are wet...skating rink in the morning on all the roads.The wind chill here is awful.Seems funny to be hatching chicks in the middle of a snow storm...for the East TN folks it's a snow storm here in Middle because we don't have equipment to handle it
I have a pack of mountain dew and a lawn chair. It is fun to watch people who are to ignorant to slow down find themselves in the ditch. The firetruck even curbed it so it is bad. I put bleach on the tires and kept on going up the hill. Ya know a man could make a killin pullin people out of the ditch.
Yep, i am going to just go ahead and stay home. i am waiting on a pizza! Poor Pizza Delivery Guy.......Pretty sure i am taking a snow day from work tomorrow, unless the head honchos want to come drive out here to pick me up. We have short steep ditches here...last time I saw a truck go into one, it broke the entire axle off

I'll just go ahead and stay home, thanks! LOL

What is this bleach on tires thing? Last year when I drove the wrong car and weather took a dive....as I was sliding backwards down the hill here, my boyfriend told me to park it and go get some bleach to pour on my tires. What does this do?
Yeah, still snowing here in Leiper's Fork. We have about 4" here. I fixed the chickens up with a hanging cabbage, some leftover cornbread, and some BOSS, in additon to their layer pellets. I had to upgrade the 40 watt bulbs in the water heaters to 60 watts...we'll see in the morning how they hold up to the cold. I should have moved one into the coop, but I didn't have another extension cord. 10 are in the coop and 2 are roosting up on the second level I added near the top of the tarp covered run...crazy girls! If I don't get to go to work tomorrow, I will move one of the wqterers and their feeder inside the coop and maybe shut the pop door at night.
where did u hear this?

never heard of this. it seem funny that school are closing because of little bit of snow and cold. we went to school in this weather in upstate new york. true we had snow plows runing around.
hey be careful out there tomorrow n tonight i accept the power to go out 2 due to ice on the lines.

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