
Not all my chickens did good last night.
My production red hen was sitting facing the corner with bubbles in her eyes.
I picked her up to hear her breathing. Not bad but it's there. Her voice is also very horse. So I brought her straight inside and fixed her up some tetraclyclene (sp?) and she wouldn't drink so I fed her 3 syringe fulls drop by drop and made sure she swallowed them. Don't want to fill her lungs with it. She is laying on her side as close to the heater as she can get. I fixed her some warm oatmeal with a bit of biscuit. She's not interested. She is normally like a Billy goat when it comes to food. She's not interested. I figure i'll keep feeding her the antibiotics in the water every couple of hours. She is my most loyal layer and always gives me a huge brown egg and the most beautiful chicks.

This is the second time i've nursed her back to health. When she was just a pullet she had ripped the skin on her neck from one side to the other. Her neck was skinless except for her throat area. Once again, she is getting nursed. I hope she pulls thru.
Looking Turkeys in NE tn by cookeville I will be happy to split a spring porters order. I posted in turkeys with noooo responce. Porters has really nice heritage birds and lots of breeds to choose from. PM me if you are interested in spliting an order or if you will have turkeys this spring for sale.
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Well, it looks like I have at least 4 out there right now and who knows how many are in the house batch. The outside ones haven't started causing trouble yet, but the main roo is starting to pay attention to the little girls, so silly roosterness can't be long off. I'll totally trade you one of them for some fun eggs later in the spring.

There are at least two that I am likely to put up for auction. They are going to be really great looking clear buffs. The others are all nice and dark, but are showing black still in their tails and wings. That is a DQ in the land of show buffs. Of course, their form is really nice and mated to a lighter buff it might make the black go away. They are from my two darkest silkies. Mama shows a little black and daddy is showing a little blue. I was hoping something miraculous would happen and I'd just get a nice dark, clear buff. It didn't happen from that pairing. Curse feather genetics!

That same pairing hatched out one that looks almost partridge. It is in the house currently and doesn't have enough real feathers to tell what it will turn into. It hatched out as a little blue and yellow chipmunk. It was unbelieveably cute! I can't wait to see grown up feathers!

I'm wishing for a basement to free range in. The indoor babies are getting dusty and active. They need more space, but I don't have another indoor space for them. It is entirely too cold to move them outside! I'd have little chicksicles. Thankfully it is just me in the house and I can put up with the smell and mess.
I have a lone partridge silkie hen that I was thinking of crossing with the buff for something interesting..you can keep the clear one's the kids love the misfit colors..so if you have any misfit pullets black off color etc just give me a yell..wonder what a buff silkie with a MF Cochin would look like
by Spring I will have all kinds of fun eggs can trade you a bunch of them pick your breed! I even have Sam my black Bantam Ameraucana living with my Partridge silkie now...hoping for EE Silkies until Jen's babies grow up and I have pullets

I'm so glad I have chicken friends..my other friends think free ranging basement chicks is weird.I would be in way too much trouble if these were in the house..I would be banned from year around hatching and that would be BAD my guess is near 100 down there now and 150 or so in bators but many won't take...weather and young roos
Yeah. I have very tolerant friends, but they aren't chicken friends for the most part. I had 6 women out to the house this week and they politely ignored the chickens. I did ask my sister later and she said that yes, the house did smell a wee bit of chicken. I DID move the babies back to the bedroom in honor of their visit.
Oh well... they are too little to go outside. The house will just have to smell for a bit.

I'll pick out one of the interesting looking boys for you. Let's wait for the weather to get a little better before we meet up. I'm thinking the next few days are going to be rather nasty.
emvickrey, sorry to hear about your hen! How's she doing?

[Politely ignoring the tantalizing chick-hatching talk . . . just as I am ignoring the smell of the freshly-baked brownies here in the kitchen . . . oh who am I kidding, brownies here I come!]
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