

I just found this thread, and caught up with reading it. I'm in West TN, just north of Memphis. I have Welsummers, Guineas, Sumatras, and Barred Rocks.
Welcome Eggs are Good! We are a small group but slowly growing. Sounds like you have some interesting breeds!Are there many poultry sales/swaps over in your area? Jump right in and help us keep this thread going. We'll talk about just anything and especially chickens!
Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm sure there are some swaps nearby, but I have not been to any. I usually buy from old timers that raise chickens. It's kinda like "pickers" for chickens. If I'm driving down the road and see coops, I'll stop and ask if any are for sale. I've met some interesting people, and found some interesting birds.
Awww... you're a chicken picker! Wouldn't that be an awesome show!

Welcome to the thread!
Man, cleaned my chicken coops today before the snow is gonna hit again! Fresh shavings and straw for coops/nest boxes, that was ALOT of work
It was needed but was so gross haha! The poop was frozen together...
Now time to relax, can't move a muscle... soooo tired....

Man this week has sucked, my chickens are afraid of the snow and would stand in the coop all day and we got approximately 3 or more inches of snow. Other than that all my chickens were okay, even the chicks I have in the grow out brooder.

We also have meaties ready to be butchered, we bought a shed in a box to butcher them in (its still at TSC because they were out so we got a rain check should have by Friday). If it warms up enough we'll be culling them this weekend, oh goody (yes sarcasm was there). Shouldn't have bought them so late, but I def was expecting snow.

I hope everyone stays safe on the roads and all the chickies are thriving!
Her face isn't all bubbly with snot anymore but it's still there. Everyitme she sneezes she blows it all over the walls of the aquarium she's in. She is eating and drinking a little on her own. She is normally glutton with food but she is eating. Yesterday she got a bit of biscuit and oatmeal, scratch and layer crumbles. Today she got some left over chicken and another bit of biscuit. She ate about half of the piece of meat I put in there and none of the biscuit. But she did eat more scratch than she did yesterday.

She has a split in her skin just above her foot on the front of both legs but it isn't dark in color. There are some darker spots in different spots on her legs and feet. I'm hoping it's not frostbite. She still doesn't have a voice, she is still horse. She is in the house where it's warm and I check on her everytime I go by the "bird room" My oegb's are now sneezing and I think I heard a sneeze come form the other side of the coop where there are EE's and RIR's that I was treating for a cold. I wish I could brng them all in so they could get well faster but I can't. If I do have to isolate some I have a grow pen in the shed I can put them in with a heat lamp.

Robo - What exactly is stress/pain releiver and what will it do for her?
Hello! I just found this thread last night. I had no idea. I've loyally followed the Ameraucana and Marans thread
since Sept., but didn't know about a "local" thread.
I'll just start from this point on instead of reading from page one, for I'm too busy right now with Christamas and making cookie can waterer heaters and a hatcher.
I have eggs in the bator and should have Christmas Eve, Eve chicks.

How 'bout our weather for the last week?
Looking forward to following another thread.
There is a product called nutri-drench and it will calm her and ease pain. It is also for relieving stress on shipped birds. It helps to give it to them immediatley after you find them so they don't go into shock. It is mostly for the immune system. In your case it will fight infection and releive stress. Here is a link where it talks about it. It is only $9 at Tractor Supply. This place is just expensive.
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