
BTW, for any of you folks who are using those dog bowl waterers - - to prevent my ding-a-ling birds from walking through them, I turned a small ceramic dish upside down in the middle of each bowl. Worked great.

Oh, and CityGirl - - didja wear your shiny new muck boots this week? - - Did you not feel invincible?

Now, CityGirl and HBuehler and all you other Enabler Queens, I am gonna tell you right now: It's looking to be a looong winter. You are NOT to fill my head with chick photos, lottery dreams, massive incubator hatch reports, genetics information, or cute stories about your birds. Nothing. NADA.

Long winter evenings + not enough projects + an understimulated Border Collie brain = T-R-O-U-B-L-E for Jennie-Jen. Holly knows I am crawling the walls here in beige suburbia, and the slightest poke might result in some kind of nuclear meltdown. Next thing you know you'll see a news story about an SPCA rescue of a thousand chickens, goats, llamas, emus, and a dairy cow from a half-acre suburban lot, and a screaming crazy woman (in snazzy muck boots) being carried out in cuffs.

We don't want that now, do we??

[Oh, and yes, I think a TN meet is a lovely idea.
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You mean these baby pics? These are some of the first hatch of your sweeties

Yesterday's hatch

..sorry pics are so blurry but I wore out my camera taking baby pics-kids and chicks
Santa is bringing me a new one along with a new table saw and many more power tools-darn hubby wearing out all the tools so I can't buy more chicks or another bator this week

Finally they really do free range

I can just see that now Jenn's back yard farm
most of those MJ transplants wouldn't know a emu from a donkey
.."Breaking News" Feet from the MT Juliet High School a want to be farmer is found with hundreds of animals hoarded on her small city lot. The animals were all found in excellent condition with plush living quarters we can only wonder what possessed her and how did she fit them all in that back yard

To keep you out of trouble I'll just have to hatch them for you and you can come visit anytime
Ohhhhh you're a dirty rotten Dirty Rotten!!!!
Hope you will come visit me in the clink.

Jah, you've got to let Santa bring those saws, etc. - - we know saws are GOOD. Saws and power tools build things. Build coops. Need coops. Cooooooops . . . mmmmmm . . .

I'm going to leave now.
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I need to come over and raid your beautiful dark eggs or the chick pen
..mine are laying but the color is lighter than I want.1 of the chicks I got from you is a pullet and she's laying dark and Mr Roo well he doesn't lay any but he also won't touch the Marans just the Ameraucana's That Sport Marans pullet is b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l and lays great not bad in the color either for a non black.
I can get some when the weather breaks..the sport is a big girl real sweet and lays nearly every day a rather dark speckle egg...she's a keeper if only as a layer but will try her in my OE's this Spring.We lost the Barnie cross..she had a hernia that just kept getting bigger and bigger-was looking very Barnie much more so than a Marans..Hey if they weren't nice I wouldn't be trying to raid your eggs or chicks again
Jenski thats halarious. Have to admit tho, been there done that!lol
Well snows gone for now. Jsut wet and muddy. Love looking at the chicks but I am not reday for any till spring. Then I hope to have lots.I sure need a good auction fix! I have an empty pen that is just buggiong me to death!lol
Holly...do you need an intervention?
Just kidding. Well, you do make me look very sane to my husband.

I think a TN BYC get-together would be a blast especially after the New Year, weather permitting, "things" should be slower.

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