
Tennessee thread! YES! There are several in East Tennessee, including me
I'm just not as East as you!
I'm from Maryville, but not into breeding, etc. We had 2 get-togethers this year - 1 at Crackerbarrel in Alcoa - 1 rooster bought out in the parking lot. The 2nd meet was a picnic at one member's farm. Some chicks traded hands there. We've never had any big-time swaps or anything. But - who knows what evil lurks in the heart of over-run chicken owners...........................
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Alot of East Tennesseeans in here... like me. I'm in McMinn County, but I grew up in Monroe County and live so close to the border I forget I'm not living there sometimes.... I even went to Monroe County early voting place once to try to vote. They looked at me like I was crazy until I told them what road I lived on... then they understood. lol
Hey there all you East-TN folks! Glad you're here.

Hope everyone is enjoying our balmy weather! It feels positively WARM here - - above freezing and everything! What a nice change. All my sassy mouths are busy hollering outside this morning - - they were pretty quiet when we had single digit temps, but oh-ho-ho! Now The Three Tenors are singing "I'm the Baddest Roo East of the Mississippi."

Okla-doodle-doo, some of those chicks Holly so mercilessly posted photos of, might be grand-chicks of one of your hens! I hatched out a beautifully-marked red-shouldered splash girl chick from one of her eggs, and some of these chicks are from that little splash hen. She's just as sweet as her momma, and just always in my pocket when I'm out in the pen.

Yep, we definitely need to have some TN chicken meets after the holidays. I have to meet my soul sistah, CityGirlintheCountry! I figure we'll be the ones tripping on the way in the door.
HA! We probably should warn the owners of wherever we meet up so they can lock up the breakables.

I pretty much can fall down just walking down the hall.

All is well in the Boro. I am LOVING the warmer temps although it has turned the runs into mud pits. While my chickies are terrified of snow and won't step out in it, they have no such qualms with mud. They are happy as little pigs in the sunshine. Speaking of pigginess, I took out leftover fruit and veggies from this last weekend's party and they fell to with a vengeance. Cantaloupe, watermelon, grapes, cauliflower, broccoli and carrots- YUM! I gave some grapes to the indoor baby chickies and turned them into little velociraptors. Oh my goodness! They snatch and grab and then run around cheeping like mad. I always miss them once I move them outside. They are so attuned to the ebb and flow of the house right now. When I walk through the dining room all 16 tiny little heads turn my way to see if treats are forthcoming. As their feathers are growing in right now they are mangy looking little velociraptors.

The magic muck boots are working like a charm. I can't seem to keep my socks on while wearing them though. Oh well, my toes stay warm and dry.

Jenski, if it helps, this was my last hatch until spring. Well... unless someone goes broody. The silkies do seem to go broody in the worst weather. The bator has been cleaned and packed away for the year. I shall not taunt you with baby pics until spring. We do need to get you out of the subdivision and onto a farm. Perhaps we should form the BYCer commune and could all raise chickens, sheep, goats and alpacas to our little hearts content. How fun would that be? Middle TN would never be the same again. BWAAHAAAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Moonpie the girl kitty went in day before last to be fixed. I am happy to report that she is doing well. The problem now is keeping her calm and quiet. She is not a passive kitty by nature.
This is sweet Moonpie before the surgery (it also explains why I keep having to fix the blinds).

I am off to finish grading. One last set of tests and I am done for the semester! Whoohoo!!!!!
Well..I met up with Jennifer this morning.I forgot school was a half day and I arrived right at dismissal...now that was fun making a left hand turn with an escaping zoo of cars and busses... So in 21 days 20 more tiny fluffy butt puffy cheeked chicks will be zooming around here.
Is it really a good idea to get us all together? Who knows what ideas we will come up with if we put our minds together and leave the non chicken half of us at home to veto all unreasonable ideas..oh mine has stopped even asking nothing to say a veto..his last 2 requests 1 only 6 laying hens 2 no bantams
I should have lots of chicks I could bring with me.By then who knows how many there will be around here but I'm sure I can spare a "few"
I'm on my last hatch of the year as well..it hatches on Christmas Morning hopefully then I will be working on the hatch of 2011 see if at least one bator never gets turned off then it's only one hatch...incubator math
I so flunked chicken math
In the next week or so I am going to set some Blue Marans and some Buff Orpingtons. If we get together I could bring them, and some quail if anybody wants them.

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