
I like the car air freshener idea
I have a chicken cameo coat now...maybe I need to do something about it but as soon as I wash it and head back to the chickens all that water and soap will be wasted.Need some odor eaters for shoes..not feet sometimes I think they can be smelled long before we are seen especially now it's mucky.I have air freshener's hiding all over my house with the kitchen area where my basement door is surrounded so my company won't think we live with chickens..oh that's right....we do

Well 5 MF Cochin chicks are now running all over the bator along with a few OE and one I'm naming Cheeks or something..pics coming soon now I have my new camera

No more hatching until NewYears..
I got it at Gander Mountain, it wasn't cheap either! Will not be wearing it to feed chickens thats for sure!

I can just imagine walking around stores in a chicken camo jacket
and the poop stuck to me and my boots, with a pine tree around my neck!

GREAT! I'm sure many people would pull me aside and start asking whether or not I know of the website Backyardchickens or not... I think I'd rather not pull much more attention to myself
I'll just throw my tree camo on and stand in the woods!!
And of course it would come with matching muck boots...

Yeah, I keep trying to figure out how to bling out those muck boots. How about a muck boot Bedazzler . . . look out folks, I'm gonna be rich . . .
And of course it would come with matching muck boots...

Yeah, I keep trying to figure out how to bling out those muck boots. How about a muck boot Bedazzler . . . look out folks, I'm gonna be rich . . .

The chickens would attack your feet!
Ooh, I hadn't thought of that. Can you imagine the naughty buggers eating all the rhinestones off my fancy boots . . . it would certainly add a little bling to the morning pen cleanup, wouldn't it!
I can just see someone picking up the rhinestones out of the chicken poop and sticking them back on the shoes, like "darn things cost 20 dollars off ebay!" O well the poop will help keep them sticking

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