
DH's work closed so he is able to stay home with me for a nice 3 day weekend

Chickens are again stuck inside the coop, had to put water bowls inside for them with warm water. I had to treak through the snow, we got quite a bit.
We got about an inch an a half here in the Clarksville area. I was secretly hoping for a lot more! I would love to have a stolen snow day with my little boy (11) before he is "too old" to go out an play in it.
We have about two inches here in Portland. I went out and gave everyone a bit of scratch treat,will fill their water bowls as soon as my hands thaw! Don't forget to feed the wild birds. They really depend on us during these times!
Morning all! We got about 4" here in Middle TN between Old Hickory and Percy Priest Lakes. Dogs are having a blast . . . they came back to the door covered head to foot in snow, with big snow mustaches and huge grins. The chickens are not quite so excited about the snow, and told me they'd let me know what they had decided about it very soon.
Luckily last night I remembered to pack straw around the pen door openings, and I put duct tape "tabs" over all the locks and gate latches . . . so this morning all I had to do was kick off the straw, pull off the tape tabs and all my gates and doors opened nice and easy. Last time it snowed everything froze up, and it was a real pain to try to get things cracked open so I could feed the birds.

sheaviance1, sorry you didn't get enough snow to enjoy a snow day! Hopefully you at least got to lay around the house late.

stanglover, show us some snow pics! How's your pen holding up? I cleared some of the snow off one of the pens before the birds got up, but I guess I need to get the biggest one cleared after my coffee . . .

Robo, I love your Florida chicken ranch! Do you have any openings for a farm hand?
How much snow did you get? If you squint really hard, does it look like the beach??? Ah well, just remember how much you enjoy your critters while you're trying to get your 4-wheeler through all that snow.

NellaBean, sorry about your cold tush. Hope you wear something insulated this morning to feed the birds, LOL! If ever there was a day for coveralls and thinsulate boots, it would be today.

Holly, luckily for me someone bought those splash OEs. What a gorgeous group! You and I need to make a road trip up to OklaDD's in KY and hit the auctions with him when the weather is better. Oh come on, what could it hurt . . .

Cindiloohoo, Sissy, and all you other folks with the whopping utility bills - - WOW!! Mine's high too right now, but I guess it's a good thing I don't have more house/land to use . . .

believer01, how are things out your way this morning??

[Ed. to add - Nella, love your dog pics! What fun!!!
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OklaDD is right. I was out there in the front yard this morning with a broom, clearing off the snow and laying down bird seed, scratch and peanut butter pine cones for my wild flocks . . .

Don't forget that wild birds need a water source, too - - my little fountain pond was frozen over this morning, so I poured hot water over the top to melt the ice. If I don't, the wild birds peck pitifully on the ice until I come out with the water jug.
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As requested here is a pic of my best cockeral. His name is Alpha.


We now have 8 inches of snow here at our place. That 4+ that what we had before. Also we have more coming. I am not prepered for this much snow.
I know have to walk down to mail box for car will not drive in this. That is just over 700 feet I get to walk. Bad enough I have to walk down to the coop on a step hill. Can not wait till staurday when it is back in the 40's and this snow goes.
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Morning Everbody! Ain't this fun? There's about 4" in Cannon Cty, 6 - 7" where it drifted. Its so soft and light! It's quiet out here anyway, but the snow deadens everything so each bird song becomes clear as a bell!

I have wild bird feeders on 3 sides of the house and love watching their colors as they flash by. I also scatter some on the porches and the walkway in front of the windows ~ it's called KittyCat Dinner Theatre! Stopped letting my 5 cats out last month after hubby spotted a fox real close. Then last week I saw a red shouldered hawk in a tree just 40' off my back porch! Yikes! He/they (yep, there's 2) have been back most every day. Nothing seems to scare them off - I've fired a shotgun and a 38 at the ground (neighbors house is past the hawk) and they begrudgingly fly off or circle overhead for awhile. Needless to say, girls have been on lockdown.

No one would come out of the coop this morning! I think I'll go sweep some ground clear for them later. The 4 x 4' area under the coop is clear, and deep with shavings, but they need some exercise to keep warm I would think. I sure wouldn't want to walk around barefoot in this. Last time we had snow Gypsy Rose Lee was the only one who came out. She would hold one foot up at a time - and it was quivering! Rather funny to see her try to lean over to eat standing on one foot!
The girls are not amused. They all fussed at me endlessly this morning like the snow was my fault. I pointed out that I had nothing to do with it, but they were unconvinced.


We got about 5", but it seems to still be spitting snow out there. It does make the homestead look pretty though.

The dogs had a fine frolic and are now piled up on the sofa snoring away. I may join them for a snow day nap.

Every one stay warm and safe! While doing chicken chores a couple of trucks came sliding down the road. It looked slippery enough that I think I will stay home.

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