
Morning TN folks! I'm enjoying the snow. The kids are really enjoying the snow, but the chooks are not very excited.
I arrived back in town from the beach just in time for the "event".
Unfortunately, the snow situation caused me to have to move some chickens around instead of making a transition pen for the BCM chicks. The chicks had to get out of the house! They were so big, dusty & stinky! Everyone is much happier now. The chicks are in an outside coop with alot of room and 3 heat lamps. They seem to have made the transition with no problems when I checked on them this morning. Chicks appeared to be really "happy"-flying around and acting like little chickens. The EE hens I moved from quarentine (sp?) are chilling-out with their BCM roos (happy, happy boys).
I'll probably wait a few months before I hatch anymore out, for the weather will be settled, egg production will be up and the pullet eggs will be bigger. I can't wait to hatch Blue/Black Am's and Olive Eggers.

Enjoy the Winter it will be hot and miserable before we know it!
Oh to be a kid in the snow. How great. It sucks being an adult in snow.

As I type this it is snowing here again. At least getting to the coop today was easy. We hit 40 degrees here now it is 36 and dropping.
Awwww... look at all the happy, smiling kiddies! Cuteness everywhere!

I'm trying to gear up to get motivated to get out of the house. They finally scraped the road late yesterday, so I'm going to have to go in to work eventually. Fingers crossed that it doesn't freeze over again as it will be late before I head back home.

Holly- I couldn't remember what you had named the splash from here. I only remembered that it was something blue jeans oriented.
I only remembered vaguely that he had moved on elsewhere. That boy was out of the Cree eggs I hatched that had all the gold leakage problems. Sigh. THAT was disappointing to find out after spending a zillion dollars for Cree eggs.

Bikechick- isn't it funny? The chicks in the house are sweet and adorable and then all of a sudden they HAVE to go outside. There is a definite turning point where I just can't stand it anymore.

Nella- LOVE the dog pics! They look like they are having a great time out there.
Mine are enjoying the snow by piling up on the sofa. Both of them are currently snoring away.

Holly, I am with Jenski on the chick pic ban. You are making me itch to pull out the bator again. I cannot start hatching again until February!! Get thee behind me, enabler!!!! Your chickies are adorable!

Random Mutt Silkies would be an 80's cover band. You know they would have to have Big Hair.

I'm off to be productive. I stayed up late celebrating my team's win of the national championship. It was an AWESOME game!!! War Eagle!!
I'm a little more partial to the kiddo..ok a lot more
He loves the chickens.He does everything from candling eggs to locking pens at night.
Bikechick- isn't it funny? The chicks in the house are sweet and adorable and then all of a sudden they HAVE to go outside. There is a definite turning point where I just can't stand it anymore.

Yes! There is indeed a point of saturation. I do love having them in the house to watch and show to the kids' friends.
Do basements count as the house? We roughly counted 200 down there. Made us decide to insulate and heat half of the new house as a brooder house...going to loose 2 breeding pen options so I'm really going to have to stay focused...until he gets my other chicken houses built

OK I'll stop on the chick pics...sometime
Poor Sweetie ran into the water when the big camera scared her and got completely soaked...had to add some shells to the water so she can't get stuck in there...same age as rest of her friends but she almost went right through the bator wire she's so tiny...isn't she just cute

AWWW!!! Poor chickie!!! IT is CUTE!!!

On another note, since HBuehler loves to make everyone jealous, I'm supposed to get my Brinsea Mini Advance tomorrow!!!
I hope so, Thursday I'm going to be going back to college
so not excited about that...
Having all of these chicks does have a major draw back...the feed bill is awful,going away for some fun isn't easy and did I mention the feed bill:th the chicks alone are eating over 100 lbs a week I'm buying about 500 lbs a week just for the birds...

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