
how much is npip cert in tn?
where do I go to get info?
lol I want to certify my flock! but I have not been able to find info on how to go about it or who to contact.
I e-mailed the rep for East TN and she said it's only $25 for the testing. The wait is a few weeks though, especially if the weather stays so crummy. The lady I've been e-mailing (Tina ___) said if the tester hasn't scheduled an appointment with me by next week she'll send my contact info to another tester. I've already waited a few weeks already.

I'm not sure if there will be other costs associated with it, once the actual testing is done. $25 doesn't sound bad at all. I'll be testing around 50 birds.
It's only $25 no other fees.They don't test every bird you have-unless you don't have many
.Here they test around 30 when they come out..it's one of those things where if one tests positive...and if one has it more than likely they all will.The birds also have to be old enough to test so no chicks and young birds are tested.The testing covers the whole flock.Here the wait has never been very long a week or so at most. It limits you on what you can do with your birds..no auctions no sales no flea markets unless what goes doesn't come back no matter what. You can't buy from those places or any non npip flock..I have a few exceptions with a friend of mine that has a closed flock and her birds have tested clean so more or less her flock has been tested and I have permission to keep her birds here.
Unless your showing or selling/shipping a lot there is really no big benefit to being tested.It won't help you locally at all...it just gives the State one more reason to be involved in a family's backyard.
I do show, regularly, and want to be able to ship live birds later on. d'Uccle eggs are hard to hatch after being shipped. Just too fragile, like Serama eggs.
I know you do...same reason we test here..put that down for those that really won't benefit much from the testing it wasn't directed to you-sorry
. It's a good thing for showing the testing is all done and your not supposed to ship unless you are..unfortunately so many don't follow that rule.
I'm in West TN, south of Henderson. Looking for a Black Australorp roo, and Speckled Sussex eggs or chicks locally. We have RIR, Buff Orpingtons, Light Brahmas, Polish, Silkies, Barred Rocks and a few odds and ends. Hope to sell hatching eggs this spring. We also sell dairy goats. Had to feed in the snow today, but the chickens are always happy to eat!

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