
Mostly Large fowl breeds, except silkies. I have buff orpingtons, barred rocks, black australorps, buckeyes, speckled Sussex, silver laced Wyandottes, buff brahmas and ameraucanas. More breeds coming as soon as they start to lay:) Thanks for asking. Oh, and Light Sussex.
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really? No rain for you?? I thought the western part of the state got alot with the last storms that ran through!! Thanks for the info on the breeds you have eggs for, let me know if you will be having any lavendar ameraucanas, BBS Marans, lavendar orps, or olive eggers, those are the breeds I am wanting to increase with, and was thinking of trying for a blue/barred sex link chicken by crossing a BBS with some BR hens....hmmmmmmm.............

Hi, Alaina!

Your comment about BR sex links caught my eye. I have been breeding blue amerauana and a black ameraucana roosters to barred rocks hens for a couple of years. You do indeed get a sex linked chick out of the deal. The females are all solid colors and the males are all barred. If you want to get a blue barred female I think you have to use a barred rooster and a blue hen. I think. Hopefully some of the genetics gurus will pipe up and help. I just know that using the solid AM rooster gets solid female easter eggers and striped EE boys.
OK, so then if you breed the solid hens with the barred roos, will they continue to breed true? or will they diverge and not continue to make the sex link colors? interesting genetics!!
I don't really know. I kept one of the barred boys and put him in my large fowl coop. His offspring do not breed sex-linked. He is not in there with any pure ameraucanas or even any of the easter egger splits. He is in there with wyandottes, orps and welsummers. His offspring have been all over the board. Truthfully, I am getting rid of him now because he has screwed up my sex-linking.

If you had the space, it would be an interesting experiment to put one of the barred boys in with one of the solid girls and see what happens.
We had drizzle, but it barely even wet the ground. I actually do have a pair of lavender orps, and am incubating all of the eggs. So I have young ones which should start producing by spring.:) Deb

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