Terrible Two you say?

I've heard as children grow older and suddenly are no longer the center of everybody's world (I cry, someone picks me up, holds and feeds me and comes running serving my every need), they develop behaviors as they gradually learn to cope with this realization. I have no children but this sounds like a logical stage for a kid to go through....
Gee, thanks for the words of encouragement Sour.

Un-named...that would make sense...except Lillian is the center of the universe here.
JD, what I am scared of is that one of my grand daughters might want to come and live with us.
If it is at all possible, my son may be more inflexible than me, and he and his pubescent daughter are having CONFLICTS. Apparently he learned nothing from viewing the conflicts between his sister and me.
Sourland is too old to deal with adolescent drama on a full time basis - there is a reason that young people have kids.

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