Terror of the Barnyard (Video)

AMEN to that!

@ redcatcher... I agree, he deserves a name! I, myself, don't name all my birds only the ones who prove themselves worthy. Griffon sounds good, especially since the name is in the family.

I will continue to follow this thread to see what becomes of "Griffon, the Therapy Chicken" (I can see a whole comic strip series on his adventures!) if you do use him as a therapy bird... I had a therapy dog myself a while back... what a joy.

Thanks for taking such good care of him!
I have 15 chickens, and without doubt, the best one of my birds is the cross beak rooster that I got a year and a half ago from a local feed store.

His name is DaddyRoo, and he has fathered five children -- incredibly NONE with crossbeak problems.

I wouldn't give up my DaddyRoo for all the exclusive pedigree chickens in China...
. I would also like to know his/her breed

I mentioned earlier in the thread but it is really easy to miss. He is a Madagascar game. They are really ugly to some people, anyway.
Loved the video! My collie came over to see him too...I guess she thought I had another 'baby' for her to love... He looks like he's doing great; just different from others but I don't think he knows that.
LOL. Here is the reaction from a game hen. She is a bit braver than most of the other chickens. Still pretty funny. He goes right up to her and gets in her face. No fear at all I guess because he has not been "taught" his pecking order in the flock.


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