Terrorizing my chickens.

Well said!
hi all, new here and i glad to see everyone has a open mind on what thay think people should do with there farm stock, it could be 5 or 500 thay are mine till i decide what to do with them , i will do what ever it takes to keep my fowl safe ................................mike east tn.
1 or 1000 they are still livestock and they are under our protection.

Trigger-happy people? Really? Project much?

I'm all for protecting wildlife... until it intrudes in my living space or threatens me, my family, or my livestock.

@Liberator, the name of this site is BackYardChickens, right? Most people here have chickens (or other birds) as something like pets and are not 'livestock' as such....IN THEIR BACK YARDS.  Do you propose getting your gun out and shooting at a hawk and risk shooting someone or something else accidentally?

Actually, how many birds/animals must one have to qualify them as having 'livestock'? I don't trust the government with their permits and I don't trust trigger-happy people with having permits to kill based on the fact that they must protect...what...oh, 10 chickens?

Yes, hawks and other birds of prey have become bold, desensitised and so forth, but turn it around and look at how many...HOW MANY of them were hunted relentlessly in the past and how many were killed in 'drive-by shootings' or by idiots that just wanted to 'have some fun' doing some target shooting.

Humans are supposed to be intelligent. We should be capable of finding ways to protect without anyone getting killed. Just because you have a permit and a gun, doesn't mean you have to use it/them or that you should.
True ..but in a Federal court ..you have a right to life liberty and persuit of happyness .. geese are protected but you can get a permit to kill them..Your happyness is formost then letting all your birds being eatten..with some people their chickens are like family.. I say tangle abunch of fishing line where he lands and live catch him and give it to DNR to relocate
As far as I know, he hasn't come back. Haven't gotten another pic of him or seen him, but my chickens have been locked up for over a week now.

Better safe than sorry ;) He probably gave up, at least for now... Good thing you have the game cam, or else you might have had one disappear and not have a clue why... Netting over the run is about it. I free range, so its a chance I take, but I also have to deal with coons.. Oh I would take a hawk over a coon, (or seven...momma and pa training babes.. Lost 7 mallards this spring from them, they're sneaky smart )... But I'd better be careful what I wish for, eh? :D
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