Texas Natural Feeds

Okay, so I've noticed a few soft shells now...more than I would "normally' get and about three in the last five days. I only get about 3 eggs a day at this time of the year (sometimes less).

My layers are 4 1/2 years old and it's been 100+ for several days now, so maybe it's the heat...? I have a new bag of this feed which will finish up in a couple of weeks and then I should know if it's the feed.

I compared the feed to Coyote Farms (made here in town) and the Texas Natural has a lot less calcium. My birds do have access to oyster shell, they just never have eaten much of it.
I have recently switched to non-GMO feed from Texas Natural. I save my shells and run them through my coffee grinder, then mix them in with the bag of feed. I don't have any problems with soft shells.
I have been feeding Texas Naturals Feed Lay Pellets only for about 4 months now. I've started having problems with thin egg shells and soft shelled eggs, probably 4-5 a day out of about 3 dozen. There are many feeders filled with free choice oyster shell, and nearly all the chickens are free range over 2 acres. Is anyone else having this problem?

I've lately been mixing crushed oyster and egg shells as a supplement, fed separately from the feed. Our girls will pick through to eat the egg shells first and then barely touch the oyster shell. Their shells do seem stronger since we started feeding back the egg shells. They also never ate much of the oyster shell in the first place, but that was in the summer when they had more stuff to free range on (I assume bug shells are high in calcium). We feed a grower feed since we have a rooster and don't want to overload his kidneys with too much calcium.

We also had one girl with perpetually thin shells and it seems that the combo of fermented foods like kefir, fermented feed and egg shells seem to be doing the trick...her shells are quite strong now.
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I started my chicks on Texas Natural feeds last June. This is the only feed that I buy. I have bought probably 40 bags since then. I even use them on my ducks. I haven't seen any problems. I also use their scratch.
I just went through my first bag of the Tx natural. I am feeding my hens the non GMO scratch. They seem to love... About half of it. They pick out the sunflower seeds and sorghum first, then the wheat. They scatter most of the oats and peas and are making a lot of waste. At least the wild birds come down and eat it, but it's about double the cost of the conventional scratch. Anyone else have this problem? Are y'all feeling scratch or pellets? Pros/cons? I'm only about 2 months in to raising hens. I've got a few adult hens, and several others between about 4 and 6 months.
I use their scratch and have no issues. I also use 350-400 lbs/ month of the layer pellets per month. My hens are free range and I only give them feed when they roost and none in the morning.
Any idea why they wouldn't like the oats and peas? I have 8 birds: 2 mature (one laying one that won't) and 6 young hens that are due to start laying within the next month or so. Should I be feed in them layer pellets instead or also? I free range my birds as well in about a 2500 sq ft. yard also and they to eats lots of forage and insects.

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