Texas Natural Feeds

Any idea why they wouldn't like the oats and peas? I have 8 birds: 2 mature (one laying one that won't) and 6 young hens that are due to start laying within the next month or so. Should I be feed in them layer pellets instead or also? I free range my birds as well in about a 2500 sq ft. yard also and they to eats lots of forage and insects.

Not sure if you figured this out yet, but yes, you should feed some layer feed. Scratch is only a treat...it doesn't have complete nutrition for chickens. That may have been why they were picking through the scratch.

How are your birds doing now?
I made the switch a few months ago. When I moved my hens here we fed one of the big name brand feeds that said it was a complete feed and did not need supplementation with oyster shell or grit. They went through a molt and began laying again with strong shells. After switching to the TN layer crumbles it was a few weeks later that I found the first soft shell eggs these girls ever laid, they have always had difficult to crack open shells. I had the realization that I did not start offering oyster shell when I switched feeds. Started offering it free choice as well as mixing some into the feed since I knew we had a problem. The shell would be left in the bottom of the dish after the feed was consumed. Although I know they were ingesting some of the finer ground shell with the feed. There was some improvement. Had a friend that raises poultry and rescues reptiles suggest getting calcium powder sold at pet stores for reptiles. I picked up a spray by Zilla after running it by her. Have not had a soft shell since starting to use it about a week ago. So I will start to cut back the amount I spray on the food and scratch.

Using the chick starter for my chicks, they all seem to be doing well. I did compare the calcium level in the chick starter to other starters at TSC and they were comparable, so I don't think there should be a problem.

Currently researching H and H feeds, which is another soy free and non-gmo feed made in TX that I can get locally.

It looks like both have their merits and draw backs, so I may end up feeding a blend of the two brands and see how that works out.
I have been feeding Texas Naturals Feed Lay Pellets only for about 4 months now. I've started having problems with thin egg shells and soft shelled eggs, probably 4-5 a day out of about 3 dozen. There are many feeders filled with free choice oyster shell, and nearly all the chickens are free range over 2 acres. Is anyone else having this problem?
I know this is an old thread but I'm wondering the same. I've fed TX naturals from the beginning first with starter and now layer and I'm now having this issue.
We've been using their layer crumbles for a year. Our 13 hens (11 Buff Cochins and 2 Jumbo Cornish Cross Broilers) consume 50 pounds a week along with grazing our backyard. They do well on it. The hens prefer crumbles to pellets. We buy it at Roach Feed in Garland.
Wait, what? 50 pounds a week for 13 hens??
Wait, what? 50 pounds a week for 13 hens??
WRichardson is unlikely to reply - they posted only a few times on BYC then disappeared. Last made their presence known Nov 22, 2014...

And yes, based on "thumb rules" they either had a lot of waste, or they were significantly over feeding their birds. The expectation wuold be closer to 35-40# per week with the Cx and the large breeds

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