
not really on the hunt just yet...still workin on clearing out the brooders. might attempt 1 more batch of chicks later this summer, so we will see. but always seems better to get them from people instead of hatcheries when possible in my opinion.

Just sticking with 3 for now? we will see how long that lasts. lol
not really on the hunt just yet...still workin on clearing out the brooders. might attempt 1 more batch of chicks later this summer, so we will see. but always seems better to get them from people instead of hatcheries when possible in my opinion.

Just sticking with 3 for now? we will see how long that lasts. lol
Well, I know that they get some of their pullets from hatcheries and some they hatch. They have a great setup if you're ever down this way, it's worth a stop.

Yes, sticking with just 3 for now. The plan is to pick up a couple more when egg production begins to decline. Then just buy replacements, 2 or 3 at a time. My goal is to limit the flock to 5 or 6. Yeah, the wife is already talking about wanting more lol.
Well, I know that they get some of their pullets from hatcheries and some they hatch. They have a great setup if you're ever down this way, it's worth a stop.

Yes, sticking with just 3 for now. The plan is to pick up a couple more when egg production begins to decline. Then just buy replacements, 2 or 3 at a time. My goal is to limit the flock to 5 or 6. Yeah, the wife is already talking about wanting more lol.

mine was griping at me for coming home with the 11 i have...and then she comes home with weekend with rabbits! careful! lol!
I have a few questions about my new chicks. They are all feathering out pretty well, even the runt, except for one of the black frizzled easter eggers. Is it possible this one is a roo for feathering out so slowly? Also one of my turken/americauna/frizzle crosses has all of it's feathers pretty much in but looks like his/her comb is a little pinker than the others and has pink cheeks, but no wattles, is it possible this one is a rooster? If he is I will be very sad cause it is one of my favorites, and I don't know how my roommates will take to two roosters...
I have a few questions about my new chicks. They are all feathering out pretty well, even the runt, except for one of the black frizzled easter eggers. Is it possible this one is a roo for feathering out so slowly? Also one of my turken/americauna/frizzle crosses has all of it's feathers pretty much in but looks like his/her comb is a little pinker than the others and has pink cheeks, but no wattles, is it possible this one is a rooster? If he is I will be very sad cause it is one of my favorites, and I don't know how my roommates will take to two roosters...

post us some pics...they are worth a thousand words...
The other frizzled easter egger

The easter frizzle turkin in question who didn't get frizzled feathers.

The frizzled easter egger that has tons of baby down still

I will try and take more when my husband gets home. It is hard to take them by yourself haha they like to wiggle
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im not seeing any waddle development on that NN in question...and seems like it would be noticeable by now for sure if it was a roo. How old are they?

Glad to hear from ya again though! glad things are still working out with your chickens...how are your favs doing?
im not seeing any waddle development on that NN in question...and seems like it would be noticeable by now for sure if it was a roo. How old are they?

Glad to hear from ya again though! glad things are still working out with your chickens...how are your favs doing?
They are about.... 3-5 weeks can't remember their exact hatch date... and the favs are doing well! My hen started laying about two weeks ago, been getting about 5 eggs a week. I have two of her eggs in my incubator haha, we will see where that goes. I wish I had more to set in there at a time... then again I have no idea what I am doing.
thats awesome. i had one of my EE's just start laying last weekend...but going steady for 3 days now! just need the others to take her lead! lol!

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