
Thanks for the link. Well the three polish babies he ate I was going to sell anyways. I am trying for colored sultans and the three he ate had no leg feathering and were a funny color. Normally the predators always go for your fave. So, I guess it could have been worse. We lost a few a while back and could not figure out how that happened so I think we have been feeding this smuck for a while
The ones around here are just nasty! We had a huge one that got in the coop of the flock we watch over.. one night it decided to kill a pullet that was almost to POL! I guess it didn't realize it couldn't swallow it and spit it back out. Darn thing had about 6 eggs in it too! We have killed about 20 rats and black rats and have seen 4 (killed 2-missed 2..think they were the same two but dunno) copperheads. These rats seem far more aggressive than the copperheads! Our rats are either darker (like black)or lighter but aren't red but I guess they come in all colors it seems. Oh yeah.. we have only lived here for 4 months! You are lucky you have only seen 3! All these Texas snakes just give me the heebee jeebees! Back in Wyo we only really had diamond backs and bull snakes.. I feel like I live in a different world
The ones around here are just nasty! We had a huge one that got in the coop of the flock we watch over.. one night it decided to kill a pullet that was almost to POL! I guess it didn't realize it couldn't swallow it and spit it back out. Darn thing had about 6 eggs in it too! We have killed about 20 rats and black rats and have seen 4 (killed 2-missed 2..think they were the same two but dunno) copperheads. These rats seem far more aggressive than the copperheads! Our rats are either darker (like black)or lighter but aren't red but I guess they come in all colors it seems. Oh yeah.. we have only lived here for 4 months! You are lucky you have only seen 3! All these Texas snakes just give me the heebee jeebees! Back in Wyo we only really had diamond backs and bull snakes.. I feel like I live in a different world
I bet you miss the trees. Well, when we moved in I declared that we would have a no mow landscaping design. Well, that worked great at first until the grass decided different. Now we have tall weeds, grass, and dead wildflowers from the spring that need to be cut really bad. All kinds of places for ankle biters. My husband has been dragging his feet on buying me a rolling weed whipper and now it is a safety issue. "safety first" is always one of my favorite ways to win an argument! lol I think because of all our dogs(7) and our two cats have really helped out. My huband is the one who found the snake and I am glad he did because as I am doing my chores in the morning I am not very awake yet and might have missed it. He came running inside very fast. Scared me. I did not know what he was going to say running in like that. So, I was actually very relieved to have only been a snake even though he ate my babies.
I bet you miss the trees. Well, when we moved in I declared that we would have a no mow landscaping design. Well, that worked great at first until the grass decided different. Now we have tall weeds, grass, and dead wildflowers from the spring that need to be cut really bad. All kinds of places for ankle biters. My husband has been dragging his feet on buying me a rolling weed whipper and now it is a safety issue. "safety first" is always one of my favorite ways to win an argument! lol I think because of all our dogs(7) and our two cats have really helped out. My huband is the one who found the snake and I am glad he did because as I am doing my chores in the morning I am not very awake yet and might have missed it. He came running inside very fast. Scared me. I did not know what he was going to say running in like that. So, I was actually very relieved to have only been a snake even though he ate my babies.
We were in the prairie lands so have WAY more trees here! (we are surrounded by post oak and have them thick!) You must be in a place that rains more than here? Everything here is all dried up.. we haven't had to mow for a couple months now :-( But YES! Safety first! You are so right.. it could have been much worse than a rat!
We were in the prairie lands so have WAY more trees here! (we are surrounded by post oak and have them thick!) You must be in a place that rains more than here? Everything here is all dried up.. we haven't had to mow for a couple months now :-( But YES! Safety first! You are so right.. it could have been much worse than a rat!
No, no rain really but Bermuda and Johnson grass came in with some of the landscaping boulders we brought in plus around $300 worth of wildflower seeds I planted two years in a row. I put down lots of mulch and decomposed granite trails with raised rock beds for ornamentals. I kept digging up the grass but I have lost the battle. Hand weeding 18 acres is just not working
We live on the side of a cliff so everything is tiered and very difficult to keep up. I do landscaping for a living so at first I was excited to have a blank slate and went hog wild. My fantasy gardening took on a whole new level. Now I have a jungle. It is amazing what all will grow when you get rid of all the blasted cedars!
Here are some pics of my beloved garden. I guess every eden will have a snake or two. I think my ponds full of frogs probably do not help matters either


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