
Tammy, you might want to check your car before leaving!

Lisa :)

That is funny Lisa. :)

It was 27* when I woke up this morning and it has climbed all the way to 29* now! I hope it gets warm fast, I want to go cycling and not freeze. I will go as long as it is 35* or above. Today I will wait for it to be warmer than that since this is the first freeze of the winter.....

Water nipples-I've read the tend to lead no matter how they are positioned. Any thoughts?
Exciting news (at least for me)! The first chapter of my book, "Chicken Poop for the Soul," won 1st place in the non-fiction category of the Helen Sheffield Memorial Writing Contest of the Brazos Writers group. I think this is the first time I've come in first place in anything since 5th grade when I won for my Halloween "cowboy on horse" costume.
Exciting news (at least for me)! The first chapter of my book, "Chicken Poop for the Soul," won 1st place in the non-fiction category of the Helen Sheffield Memorial Writing Contest of the Brazos Writers group. I think this is the first time I've come in first place in anything since 5th grade when I won for my Halloween "cowboy on horse" costume.
that's amazing!!!! congrats
Exciting news (at least for me)! The first chapter of my book, "Chicken Poop for the Soul," won 1st place in the non-fiction category of the Helen Sheffield Memorial Writing Contest of the Brazos Writers group. I think this is the first time I've come in first place in anything since 5th grade when I won for my Halloween "cowboy on horse" costume.


Lisa :)
That is funny Lisa. :)

It was 27* when I woke up this morning and it has climbed all the way to 29* now! I hope it gets warm fast, I want to go cycling and not freeze. I will go as long as it is 35* or above. Today I will wait for it to be warmer than that since this is the first freeze of the winter.....

Water nipples-I've read the tend to lead no matter how they are positioned. Any thoughts?
If they are hanging down, I don't generally have a problem with leakage. If I'm using a bottle and have it tipped up to 45* or higher, it will leak a little bit, but that is easily rectified by positioning the nipple straight up and down again. And even then, the leaking is negligible.

We tried various watering methods before going to the nipples - the biggest problem we had was with spilled water up until we went to the nipples. Even the hanging waterers end up spilling all over the place if they have an open trough because the chickens will bump it, try to perch on it, etc. And wet chickens in winter wasn't cool either.

There are different nipple types. We use the type that will allow water through if the nipple is moved in any direction. There are also nipples that only work if the nipple is pushed straight up. I don't use this type though because you must always make sure that the watering device is above everyone's heads in order for them to get under it and push the nipple straight up. This wasn't feasible for our setup since we have varying sizes that may be drinking out of the same device, so the waterer must be at the height for the shortest bird to reach it - meaning bigger chickens and males may have to cock their head sideways and push the nipple in from the side to get water because they are too tall to stand upright underneath.

Everybody's needs are different, but I can tell you that after trial and error with different methods in different situations - we found that nipple waterers keep the water cleaner and have less leakage than other types of watering devices. You should also look at how often you are going to be checking the chickens too - how often you will be able to refill watering devices if they drink it all or they spill it. Don't want them to be without water, especially in summer, and you don't know about it because you're gone at work.

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