
I'm over in Smithville! about 30 minutes outside of Austin! All you Texas people, Central Texas anyways, I'm looking to collect feathers for art projects! so...perhaps we could work out a trade of some sort..money for feathers or I'll even come pick them up myself! It's reallllly important! I have 2 ducks is it right now but my family used to own a game bird ranch so I've got a strrrrrong background in raising birds of all kinds!
no rain in Central Texas...
Ok !! I am near Austin between Thorndale and Elgin. 8 hens - 2 Americana, 3 Barr Rocks, 2 Black Australorp banties, and one fat old Red Cap. A young EE type rooster just found us so we have him now, too. And an Airedale and two cats We grow organic hay and I usually am a breeder of horses - crossing a tall black Morgan mare with a fine Swedish Warmblood stallion - have her filly I am keeping. A Paint Arabian pony with Gdansk movement, a well bred off the track Arabian (yes they race Arabians, too) with unusually fine movement for an Arabian (tracks under and has good lateral reach), and an older Arabian mare with fine old bloodlines. I train the foals to develop their minds and good manners. So far the owners of my horses think they are lucky. My dog has started eating eggs, though. I am looking forward to trying the bitter apple. Right now he has to be tied up while the hens are laying. He tries not to eat the eggs but can't help it. I'm going to try giving him more calcium and see if that helps. When I lived in Dripping Springs on the limestone ledges where the calcium was locked up and the grass relatively scarce my horses started eating eggs. When I gave them a pinch of dicalcium phosphate in their food they stopped trying to eat dirt and eggs. Visualizing steady rain.

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