
Goodbye June.

Wow, what a month in Texas.

Record Heat.
Rcord Drought.
Record Wildfires.

Personally, I've fought Predator attacks .. lost my first chicken to the heat .. and a pen full of meaties to an overzealous coon with super-raccoon strenghth ...

Glad to see ya go, June ... but looking at July and August for relief seems dubious...

Is it too early to be longing for fall???
i've had my fill of predator attacks.. finally got my nite guard lights the other day and they seem to have stopped them.. at least there have been no more losses and the live trap is empty..

now can I ask for some rain?.. or is that hoping for too much?
Ouch!! Bite your tongue!!
It is miserable here too. I'm hosing the run down in the morning and then again in the afternoon... Saving all refrigerated leftovers for the chickens until afternoon when I figure they'll appreciate them the most. Also giving a cool mash in the afternoon since mine don't seem to want to eat as much in this heat. They love the mash and lets me know they're getting their groceries and a bit of hydration with it.

I'll take fall right now, but I don't know if I'm ready for the snow and ice
. I'm SUCH a cold weather wimp!

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