
You guys do not want ostriches. They are the meanest things. Though they are gorgeous. My dad works for the Texas land man. So he sees alot of animals and his boss says that threw meanest guys are the emus and ostriches.

I would like some red stag and zebras on my (imaginary) ranch.
You would think that a father would stop worrying so much about his 1 kid so much when she is the last of 6. I don't worry so much with all the others but she keeps me up at night. To be 25 she can cause me so much grief. To drive down to Huntsville this afternoon to see a friend off that is moving to Odessa. Now she is on her way home. So here I sit waiting for her to get here so I can go to sleep. It's not that I don't worry about the others as it is I know they can take care of them selfs and know better then to run that far out knowing they have to work at 6 in the morning. She is going to be the death of me yet.
WOW!! I'm over 1/2 grey & I'm 38! I've had grey hair since I was 14. Premature grey runs in my family. My kids all have a few already!

I think the only reason I don't have more grey hair is that balding runs in my family. My older sister has a ponytail smaller than my pinky from how thin her hair is. Every time I brush my hair after a shower, even with leave in conditioner, I get a handful of hair.
You guys do not want ostriches. They are the meanest things. Though they are gorgeous. My dad works for the Texas land man. So he sees alot of animals and his boss says that threw meanest guys are the emus and ostriches.

I would like some red stag and zebras on my (imaginary) ranch.

I'd put the emu on the property fence line. Nothing will dare to trespass with them on guard!

I want a fish pond and an orchard too. Hmmm fresh fruit! Figs, oranges, pears, peaches, apples..... Anyone hungry now? I am!
Hi am new to this pg! I live in Boerne tx! My small farm Antique Fluffy Chicks. We have English Chocolate Orpington, English White Orpington, Silkies in many colors. Plus w have Sebastopol Geese. Can't wait to meet other chicken duck geese lovers!
I love Orpingtons...There's some gorgeous Partridge Orps about 30 minutes from me. Ive resisted so far! I want a chocolate bad too..more affordable also.
There's a link to the thread in my siggy. :) It went from this: To this: Welcome to BYC! I have been thinking about getting some different colored Orps. I have some Buffs right now, but would love to expand to different colors, heritage quality.
Oh! I DID see that. Duh. Ive been thinking of that type of setup..with a variation, for my girls...we honestly dont have many predators where im at....I have a smaller fenced yard and a motion activated light..maybe thats why?
Good Lord Almighty this thread has gone to Hades!!! You women need to exchange phone numbers!!! How do you expect a man to post on this thread without checking his testosterone levels!!
Great Granny Grunt give us men a break!! ;)

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Good Lord Almighty this thread has gone to Hades!!! You women need to exchange phone numbers!!! How do you expect a man to post on this thread without checking his testosterone levels!!
Great Granny Grunt give us men a break!! ;)


Guess the men folk are gonna rain on our parade ladies. Let's give them :hugs and invite them to play too! :p
I don't know, this is my first year with chickens and geese and my oldest batch is 8 weeks old. My birds were purchased from a feedstore which means they are hatchery birds. I do want to add better quality birds a little later on, but these guys were a good place to start and well I just fell in love when I saw them.

I fall in love w my first ever Red Stars chicks after that I was sold into chickens, lol! They wore hatchery too. A good place to start at for any who's just starting out w chickens

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