
Brookshire 11 you must have a strong wheel power. I don't have any when it comes to my fav chickens. Loan me some of your strength, lol!

Do u have the ability to hatch eggs?
Not yet, But I should next Spring. I'm HOPING to just be able to use a broody. I got a Silkie as a "constant" for my daughter, and also hopefully to hatch out eggs next spring. Just a few to get the hang of it :)
I DONT have a ton of willpower...but it balances with the fact that I don't have a ton of money either
Those Partridge Orps are $85 a straight run chick!
And for just a backyard flock..it seems kinda like a waste...I'm a sucker for Orps though.

My chickens like greens and bugs. Someone suggested putting water buckets under lights at night to get a lot of June bugs and feed them to the chickens. My birds also eat my parsley bare, some like mint, some love marigolds others hate it, mine also play tackle football when given strawberries, so you can try giving them some greens today. If it is good for you it should be ok for them in small amounts. None of my garden trimmings make it to the compost anymore, the chickens get it!

And congrats!
One of my BOs LOVES june bugs. She's the only one out of all my girls..lol. So she got all 3 that I caught the other night.

My girls love strawberries, oatmeal, watermelon and pill bugs. I don't think they would mind if I ran out of feed. LOL!! The thing that surprised me is that they don't seem to have any interest in greens. I've tried kale, beet greens, lettuce, mint and they totally ignore it.
Mine go NUTS for watermelon and chickweed..they aren't impressed with lettuce so far. Or spinach...
Oh! They also love grapes, peas, scrambled eggs and yogurt...and Freya loves chicken...

Thanks I figure if you can not resist turn it into a profit. I am looking to get
Frizzle ameraucanas

I already have
Bantam EE
Bantam golden Sebright
Black silkies
Rhode Island Reds
Barred rocks

With the blue isobars hen and black Marans rooster I can get OLIVE EGGERS
With the RIR rooster and BR hen I will get
black sexy links
Uh Oh..black sexy links? is that a new breed?
Uh Oh..black sexy links? is that a new breed? ;)

No they are also know as black stars.
RIR rooster +Barred rock hen = black sex link
RIR rooster+Rhode Island white hen =gold sex link
Can not remember the other 2
RIR rooster +_______hen= red sex link
RIR rooster+______hen =brown sex link
All of them have different name that different hatcheries call them
Made a newbie mistake - thought I had enough food to last until tonight. I didn't. I came home yesterday to an empty feeder and the feed store was closed. I made the little ladies some mushy oatmeal this morning to tide them over until tonight. I felt so bad!

Another bummer - I had ordered the chicken stick waterer and was so excited about it. My BF sadly cannot get the stupid thing to stop leaking at the bucket - I think he drilled the hole too big or cracked it or something. The littles are making due with dog bowls that are changed over twice a day. I will be so happy when the completely-done nipple waterer arrives. We can't mess that one up!

On the upside, I finally got the girls to take some treats out of my hand this morning. They're skittish, so a big victory!

As long as you have food in the house, they can eat it. Ours LOVE getting leftovers when I clean out the refrigerator.
Unfortunately, salespeople and don't pay attention to no trespassing/no soliciting signs and you can't shoot them in the behind with a BB gun to teach them manners and how to read signs. But can't charge an emu with assault, it's a wild animal mr officer, and so is the llama, I can't teach it not to spit smelly goo on the rude salesman. Its a win win, I don't have to put up with salesmen harassing me, the llama and emu can be a mean as they want and I'll love them even more for it! only animal with better spit would be a camel! Lol

Hahahahaha!! U r awesome! I'd probably be liable for my donkeys, so it will be attack geese & llama for me, lol! I'll keep the donkeys too as animal protectors :).
Hahahahaha!! U r awesome! I'd probably be liable for my donkeys, so it will be attack geese & llama for me, lol! I'll keep the donkeys too as animal protectors :).

Hahaha, we will be known as the antisocial crazy ladies, but we will have Peace with our guardians on watch! Btw, Chinese geese, while not huge are the most vocal and can get really territorial during breeding season. They are often considered the devils of the goose world and I have 4! 2 are known boys and 2 unknown genders, hope for girls!

Oh, forgot to say that while an attack goose will work against sales people, they are dinner against a dog. Where I go I always see packs of stray dogs. It's another reason I would get emu. They are large enough with wicked toes and a powerful kick that a couple emu together stand a reasonable chance defending against a dogs. At least long enough for me to come running with a loaded shotgun when I hear the commotion!
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No they are also know as black stars.
RIR rooster +Barred rock hen = black sex link
RIR rooster+Rhode Island white hen =gold sex link
Can not remember the other 2
RIR rooster +_______hen= red sex link
RIR rooster+______hen =brown sex link
All of them have different name that different hatcheries call them

RIR rooster with SLW hen = red sex link.
You probably know this but chickens will drown in standing water. Even a small amount like a dog bowl. Put smooth stones or some marbels in the bottom of thoes where they can't get their head under water. I know that sounds silly but chickens are pretty dingy. I've seen them drown in a rain puddle. I just saw that you said you were new so thought I would make sure you know. I am also sort of new. I'm learning how to coop keep for the first time. My chickens always free ranged before and I had horriable luck with predators.
Wow, that is dingy. Thanks for the head's up - thankfully no one drowned yet AND I'm getting my for-real waterer tonight!
Hahaha, we will be known as the antisocial crazy ladies, but we will have Peace with our guardians on watch! Btw, Chinese geese, while not huge are the most vocal and can get really territorial during breeding season. They are often considered the devils of the goose world and I have 4! 2 are known boys and 2 unknown genders, hope for girls!

Oh, forgot to say that while an attack goose will work against sales people, they are dinner against a dog. Where I go I always see packs of stray dogs. It's another reason I would get emu. They are large enough with wicked toes and a powerful kick that a couple emu together stand a reasonable chance defending against a dogs. At least long enough for me to come running with a loaded shotgun when I hear the commotion!

Very true!! We had farm geese when I was a kid, not sure the breed. I'd have to look up some pics. Anyways we had some mean 1s that no dog wld go near, not even the neighbors evil little pack. They'd snatch a chicken, very rare duck (they stuck near the geese) or turkey. We actually had a very large male named Junk Yard Dog. He was also know to steal hub caps off of strange cars in our driveway, lol!!! I think I'd have a few emu on my imaginary farm/ranch. U sold me, lol!!!

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