
BAH HAHAHA!!! That was what I was gonna use the geese & donkeys for, but I figured the donkeys wld b more kickers/biters! Ur plan is more salesperson humane :), so I'll keep the llama even if its a spitter, ;)!!

Unfortunately, salespeople and don't pay attention to no trespassing/no soliciting signs and you can't shoot them in the behind with a BB gun to teach them manners and how to read signs. But can't charge an emu with assault, it's a wild animal mr officer, and so is the llama, I can't teach it not to spit smelly goo on the rude salesman. Its a win win, I don't have to put up with salesmen harassing me, the llama and emu can be a mean as they want and I'll love them even more for it! only animal with better spit would be a camel! Lol
Congrats on the chickens and welcome to our insanity/obsession! Your lucky your hubby is building your coop.i had to design and do most of mine. He did do the anchor points and the roof because I was too short or not strong enought to drill through metal and concrete. Lol. And even though hubbies are big kids, they can be such party pooper can't they?

Yeah they can but if he wasnt I might have a big zoo here
I thought yall might enjoy this little story. I have a cockatiel named buddy. I took him over to my grandmaws to keep her company. She is 85 and I couldnt stand her being alone. Ecen though I live four blocks away. Anyways. She loves that bird. Well when people come see her and they set on her couch. He gets on his perch on the side of his cage looks at them and then ask them. What are u doing. When they look at him he laughs and says give me a kiss baby. My grandma says they give her the strangest look then they say did he say that. I told her I taught him those two things at differnt times but he has put them together by himself. Lmao I love that bird he is so funny and I miss him like crazy. But I cant handle her being there all alone.
I thought yall might enjoy this little story. I have a cockatiel named buddy. I took him over to my grandmaws to keep her company. She is 85 and I couldnt stand her being alone. Ecen though I live four blocks away. Anyways. She loves that bird. Well when people come see her and they set on her couch. He gets on his perch on the side of his cage looks at them and then ask them. What are u doing. When they look at him he laughs and says give me a kiss baby. My grandma says they give her the strangest look then they say did he say that. I told her I taught him those two things at differnt times but he has put them together by himself. Lmao I love that bird he is so funny and I miss him like crazy. But I cant handle her being there all alone.

You can have your grandma tell them, "What? I'm still young enough to enjoy kissing handsome men!" see what reaction she gets then lol.
Jeeze, she is old, not dead and it's not like young people are the only ones who enjoy eye candy!
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Harley, you absolutely are the winner, top of the class, straight A student, Honor Society, in Chicken Math! This is awesome. Look forward to seeing how your chicken venture plays out. I, too, would love to see chickens supplement my income more than just egg money! Congrats!

Thanks I figure if you can not resist turn it into a profit. I am looking to get
Frizzle ameraucanas

I already have
Bantam EE
Bantam golden Sebright
Black silkies
Rhode Island Reds
Barred rocks

With the blue isobars hen and black Marans rooster I can get OLIVE EGGERS
With the RIR rooster and BR hen I will get black sexy links

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Quote: Ok, enough of that. Now your turning Chicken Math into Biology!!! My head hurts...
Right she said she just laughs and then tells them he loves attention.

I am glad your grandma loves him, it's good for an older person to have companionship. And animals are boundless in their compacitiy to love without strings attached. When I get upset, my 3 pound cat Kairi, my 50 pound Blegain mix, 80 pound Rott, and 2 of the Siberian Huskies all try and crowd in my lap to comfort me. My problem quickly goes away trying not to get flattened by all the love.

Thanks I figure if you can not resist turn it into a profit. I am looking to get
Frizzle ameraucanas

I already have
Bantam EE
Bantam golden Sebright
Black silkies
Rhode Island Reds
Barred rocks

With the blue isobars hen and black Marans rooster I can get OLIVE EGGERS
With the RIR rooster and BR hen I will get black sexy links

If you were a bit closer I'd be asking for RIR, BR, and Ameraucana chicks from you, lol. Just like I want different colored Orpingtons. Too bad the hubby put his foot down. Sigh, guess I'll have to be a good girl and wait to add to my flock.
Ok, enough of that. Now your turning Chicken Math into Biology!!! My head hurts...:)

I suck at math anyway, so Chicken Math works for me! But I am a Microbiologist and I understood what he said. If I cross my RIR Roo with the SLW I get red sex links, if I cross the RIR Roo with BR, I get black sex links.
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Made a newbie mistake - thought I had enough food to last until tonight. I didn't. I came home yesterday to an empty feeder and the feed store was closed. I made the little ladies some mushy oatmeal this morning to tide them over until tonight. I felt so bad!

Another bummer - I had ordered the chicken stick waterer and was so excited about it. My BF sadly cannot get the stupid thing to stop leaking at the bucket - I think he drilled the hole too big or cracked it or something. The littles are making due with dog bowls that are changed over twice a day. I will be so happy when the completely-done nipple waterer arrives. We can't mess that one up!

On the upside, I finally got the girls to take some treats out of my hand this morning. They're skittish, so a big victory!

You probably know this but chickens will drown in standing water. Even a small amount like a dog bowl. Put smooth stones or some marbels in the bottom of thoes where they can't get their head under water. I know that sounds silly but chickens are pretty dingy. I've seen them drown in a rain puddle. I just saw that you said you were new so thought I would make sure you know. I am also sort of new. I'm learning how to coop keep for the first time. My chickens always free ranged before and I had horriable luck with predators.

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