
I was a little emotional, this morning, after @Starfire669 drove away with her awesome new-to-her ducks (formerly mine
)...but hearing about their good first impression with the rest of her menagerie, I'm even more excited than before by the idea of how good they are gonna have it at her place. Lucky Ducks!

Thank you, Starfire, for taking my muddy hole-diggers & giving them a place in your home.

- TieDyeMommy
It might be a little of both. With the ducks gone they have more room and more chances to catch tasty bugs, lol. Nest boxes are easy and can be made from almost anything. Just look it up on this thread, there also cool nest boxes made from totes or buckets on uTube.

I just found out the lady across the street, directly in front of me has ducks! I thought she said they were killed when the stray dogs tore her chain link fencing months ago but it looks like she has either 1 or 2 and they look just like Aflac! They came up to her front yard, looking at my new ducks who were being very vocal at the time. I guess they stay in the back of her yard usually but heard my ducks chatting and came to investigate. Lol. Her ducks are so quite, never heard a single quack from them ever! Today there were a few exchanged quacks across the street, i swear it sounded like "hi, welcome, now leave me alone!" If her ducks and mine start holding conversations across the street I am going to die laughing! On the other hand, she might take Aflac if he gets too rough with the girls.

If she took Aflac, he'd be calling to his harem across the street at your place.

- TieDyeMommy

PS: Have you come up with names for everyone, yet? Or are some of them (Aflac & Brownie) getting to keep their old names?
I would let her raise them where she is. Maybe separate an area for her and the chicks for a few days, but leave them in the coop with the other chickens. She should be able to keep them safe unless you have a really mean hen.

Can't offer any advise for the other problem. I tried looking to back to see how long you've had Speedy, but no way with all the posts. Have you had him long? Did you get him from somewhere else? If he is new, I think your suppose to keep them in quarantine for at least a month to make sure they don't have anything that they can give to your flock.

So cute!!! I wouldn't separate them. Let momma raise them!
Speedy is probably a month old or nearly so. Getting feathers for sure. I know coccidia is a common problem that is tough to do anything about. It's everywhere in the soil. He got to play in dirt and grass clumps some. I hope that maybe it was a mild case and he had some natural immunity plus he got medicated chick feed for at least 2 wks. He's eating, alert and doing chicken things, just would like to see him a bit more active. What I don't want is for our older gang to get sick. They are doing great and so ready to let them out. the yard is 20 x 30 so hope there is enough room for them to stay clear until they get accepted. Their pen is in the coop so hens have seen them plenty. More worried about in the coop still have to build another roost for them. The three older pullets still aren't allowed on the roost with the other hens. Thanks for the advice, going to leave her with them for now, she still has 3 more eggs too. Sorry so long winded...LOL
If she took Aflac, he'd be calling to his harem across the street at your place.  :cool:

- TieDyeMommy

PS: Have you come up with names for everyone, yet?  Or are some of them (Aflac & Brownie) getting to keep their old names?

Lol, probably. I am sure he would not like losing his 4 girlfriends, but if he don't treat them right he will!

Aflac will keep his name, not sure about Brownie. For now I am calling the group of them the Quackers. Lol
Training a high prey drive dog to leave small animals alone is a trail and error thing, what works for 1 dog doesn't work for another. I don't remember how many different strategies I went through before all my dogs were cat friendly. My chicken killer husky was the hardest, but we got her sorted out and she ignores they cats, they are now beneath her notice, which is a good thing. I would suggest working to gain the dogs trust and respect first. You can't train him if he does not acknowledge you as the alpha, period. After you have his respect you should be able to make him obey. Reward his good behavior, and show your displeasure when he disobeys. That is really all dog training is about.

Yes. Every dog is different. You have to find what works. I think I won Mack over, earlier. We did a two hour non stop praising exercise. He now knows stop, stay, down, sit, and is working on leave it. After training he's stuck to me like glue. I can't even go pee without him now.

Hopefully we have a break through moment soon. He's beautiful and I'd love to keep him as part of our fur family.

I also gated off two rooms that are now cat only, Mack free zones. Its the two rooms the cats spend a lot of time in already.

Clovis, have a safe trip! I've got dibs on your barn if you don't come back!

Also, don't Cayugas come in a crested variety? She sure looks like one.
One of my barred rock hens died on me a few mins ago. She did not look well when I took her out of the box this morning after picking them up from the post office. I called ideal and they said to call them by Friday if I lose anymore. The rest seem to be eating and drinking ok.
Yes. Every dog is different. You have to find what works. I think I won Mack over, earlier. We did a two hour non stop praising exercise. He now knows stop, stay, down, sit, and is working on leave it. After training he's stuck to me like glue. I can't even go pee without him now.

Hopefully we have a break through moment soon. He's beautiful and I'd love to keep him as part of our fur family.

I also gated off two rooms that are now cat only, Mack free zones. Its the two rooms the cats spend a lot of time in already.

Clovis, have a safe trip! I've got dibs on your barn if you don't come back!

Also, don't Cayugas come in a crested variety? She sure looks like one.

Awesome! I am so glad you are making progress. And the gates do wonders, cats just go where they want until something scares them. Providing escape hatches in the house, and showing the cats where they are, are nice safe guards in case a cat gets by you and runs into the dog. Plus the dog can see and smell the cat through the bars of the gate, which really helps the dogs identify the cats. Good luck, I hope peace returns to your house soon and that Mack starts behaving like a good boy!

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